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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Parque Nacional de Yosemite

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Parque Nacional de Yosemite

A World Heritage Site, Yosemite National Park is a bountiful reserve nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada, over 140 miles (225 km) to the east of San Francisco. Giant sequoias tower to dizzying heights at the Mariposa Grove, while the bare walls of the hulking Domes rise from the verdant depths of the valley. From the thunderous descent of the Yosemite Falls to the wildflower-laden Tuolumne Meadows, the Yosemite National Park is a tapestry of awe-inspiring spectacles, dappled with pristine lakes and etched with canyons; a maze of stark granite walls riddled with tumbling cascades that drench the scene in a cool mist. Amid the varied habitats of the Yosemite National Park thrive a fascinating variety of flora and fauna including the endemic Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep. Visited by thousands each year, the Yosemite National Park continues to inspire awe in the hearts of all those who venture here. There are several permanent campgrounds and accommodations, dining options, a visitor center, and a myriad of hiking trails at the Yosemite National Park, weaving the perks of civilization through the heart of the wilderness.

Illilouette Fall

It is said that spring and summer are the best seasons to experience the beauty of the Illilouette Falls which are nestled deep within the recesses of Yosemite National Park. The falls can be best accessed from the Panorama Trail, John Muir Trail and the Mist Trail. The total drop of the waterfall measures about 381 feet (116 meters) and makes for an enchanting sight.

Hetch Hetchy Reservoir

Here, you can see millions of gallons of water and a spectacular waterfall in a pristine setting. Do not let its beauty fool you, the reservoir's purpose is to supply the San Francisco area with water as well as electrical power. This reservoir is located in a secluded and quiet area of the park making it a great location for picnics or meditation. In addition, this place has trailheads for several hikes. The road to the reservoir is closed from October to June.

Tioga Pass

Tioga Pass is one of the highest mountain passes in the state, and a popular access point to the Yosemite National Park. The location is absolutely stunning, and offers magnificent views of the surrounding vistas. While the pass is generally unnavigable during winters, visitors can traverse it during the warmer months.

Bridalveil Falls Day Hike

About half a mile round-trip, this trail can get crowded in summer, but it affords breathtaking views of the falls, with water spilling over 600 feet to the valley floor and looking just like a bridal veil. Beware, you may get damp from the spray. Start from and return to the Bridal Veil parking area, located about 10 miles southwest of the Visitor Center on Highway 41. There is wheelchair access with assistance. The trail may be closed during winter months, so call first.

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake has earned its name owing to its crystal-clear surface which reflects the awe-inspiring visage of Half Dome. Apart from this fun fact, the lake also makes for refreshing swimming excursions and is usually crowded during the summers. Warmer months are regarded as the best time to visit this lake and experience its stunning beauty.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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