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Plus appréciés Restaurants et cafés à Bath

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Hare & Hounds

At the top of Lansdown Road on the way to Bath racetrack (for horses), this large pub has possibly the best view in the city. Situated almost on the site of the major civil war site of the Battle of Lansdown, on a clear day visitors can just about make out Roundway Hill, just outside Devizes, where Cromwell's lot got beaten again; lots of Royalists around Bath, then and now. There's a lovely garden here with tree covered lawns, and if it's raining there's a huge conservatory too so you can still admire the view. With plenty of food and drink available here, a couple of cozy bars and an air of slightly faded gentility, this is an ideal spot for viewing the world through rose-tinted spectacles.

The Pump Room

First opened in 1706 to provide a place to drink natural spring water, the Pump Room is decorated in 18th century style. Commanding a certain prestige with its double-story windows and crystal chandeliers, the restaurant is still the place to be seen taking tea. There is no age restriction or dress code, but be prepared to pay as though you are a member of the elite. For afternoon tea, choose between High Tea, Cream Tea, and Tompion Tea. You may also order natural spring water, which feeds the Roman Baths, contains 43 minerals, and is supposed to have curative properties.

Sally Lunn’s House

Sally Lunn's is the oldest known house in Bath. The present timber-framed building dates from 1492 and Roman and Medieval remains have been found below the cellar floor. Sally Lunn, a young French girl, did not arrive until 1680. She brought with her a recipe for the sweet, brioche-style bread that has become known as the Sally Lunn Bun. The tearooms are sadly not designed for the numerous visitors wanting to experience a taste of the famous Sally Lunn Bun, which makes for a cozy dining experience. You can, however, savor the exceptional light bites dating back to those times that are still offered here. For history enthusiasts, the kitchen museum is a great avenue to check out the historic kitchen used by none other than the lady herself.

The Eastern Eye

The Eastern Eye occupies an enviable position just off of Milsom Street at the top of the city. It is a family run business with a solid reputation for providing excellent service and delicious traditional Indian cuisine. The restaurant is huge and well-lit; the decor is uncomplicated and the tables are well-spaced. The Georgian interior has survived the transformation to restaurant and the elaborate ceilings make a visit worthwhile in themselves. The menu is fairly comprehensive and the dishes are always popular. Listen to your waiter's recommendations, he is almost always right. The restaurant has a formidable reputation has one of the city's best. Need more proof? The restaurant won the coveted "Restaurant of the year" award by none other than Les Routiers.


The magnificent Venetian facade of the Browns building matches its high-quality food and drink and the somewhat lavish ambiance inside. The outside tables serve as a hip student/professional hang-out, making it very much a place to be seen. Everything is rather grand and impressive: the food ranges from Mediterranean-inspired dishes to old favorites such as steak and Guinness pie. As for drinks, you could stick to wine or beers, but when you can get cocktails mixed and shaken before your very eyes, why would you have anything else? It really comes alive in the summer, with barbecues held on the terrace and there's live jazz on Friday and Sunday evenings throughout the year.

Sotto Sotto

Located within a vaulted cellar, Sotto Sotto features one of the most stunning and intimate settings for a restaurant in the city. The original historic arches of Bath stone with some thoughtful low-lighting create a very romantic vibe and make the restaurant, an excellent choice for a meal with a loved one. Simple Italian cooking, with a focus on bringing out the best of the original flavors in the locally sourced ingredients, has made this restaurant, a popular choice for a wholesome Italian meal. Expectedly, classics are well represented on the menu with a few contemporary twists thrown in as well. The wine list is pretty diverse and goes well with the food on offer. There's also a selection of Prosecco and Champagne if you're up for it. The bar area has a slightly modern touch to it, but still offers a unique atmosphere to enjoy your drinks. The fact that it won an award for the best Italian restaurant comes as no surprise.

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4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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