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Exploring Washington DC

Par: Cityseeker
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There's a lot more to do in Washington D.C than clicking pictures before the White House, especially if you are looking for a leisurely holiday. Grab some golfing gear and tee off at one of the many verdant golf courses, for D.C is a veritable gold mine when it comes to great nine-hole courses. You can even experiment with some Footgolf, a new sport that's taking the region by storm at the Pinecrest Golf Course. A plethora of museums will satiate the history buff in you while paddling in the Tidal Basin will reconnect you with nature without straying far into the wild. If you want to recharge after all the sightseeing, pamper and rejuvenate yourself with a massage at any of the premier spas, ensuring a perfect end to a holiday in the national capital.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Visitors should come prepared for an experience they'll not forget when visiting the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. At the start of the tour, each visitor is given an identity card of a Holocaust victim that matches the visitor's own age and gender. Ordinary reality is skewed through off-center stairways, weird angles, and the shadows of other visitors on the glass walkways overhead. An elaborate audio-visual display includes interviews, films, and photographs. The Hall of Remembrance provides a calm, empty space at the end of the tour where one can reflect on the experience. The museum discourages children under the age of 11 from attending. Admission to the museum is free. However, from March through August, a free pass is required to enter the permanent exhibition. Passes are not required to gain entrance to the museum building or to go to any of the smaller exhibitions, memorials, or special programming.

100 Raoul Wallenberg Place Southwest, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20024
The Supreme Court Building

Located close to the United States Capitol in Washington is the highest authority in the US Judiciary, the Supreme Court of the United States. This grandiose structure was built in the neo-classical style and was completed in 1935 and was laid out keeping in mind the Judicial and Court structures of the United States. The white marble facade of the building reckons awe and respect and the magnificent, yet sober interiors speak volumes about the elegance and gravitas of the country's highest judiciary.

1 First Street North East, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20543
Georgetown Waterfront Park

Georgetown Waterfront was an industrial area bustling with lumber and cement factories. However, due to the efforts and suggestions of National Capital Planning Commission, Georgetown Waterfront Park has now been developed. The grassy place offers panoramic views of the Kennedy Center and the Key Bridge against the back-drop of the enormous skyline. Also worth experiencing are the park's various mini attractions like the River Steps, Labyrinth and Fountain. Visitors to the park can spend their time biking or walking around the park or simply taking in the spectacular views.

Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20007
Mémorial de Lincoln

Situé au côté est du National Mall, le Mémorial Lincoln est un point de repère important de la ville. Il propose des vues magnifiques de la ville depuis plusieurs points d'observations. Le statue de Lincoln de presque six mètres de hauteur fait par Daniel Chester French, dans lequel on le voit assis en train de penser, à côté d'un texte sculpté du Discours de Gettysburg, permettant à un coup d'œil dans une période importante dans l'histoire des États-Unis. Les 36 colonnes doriques représentent le nombre des états dans l'Union lorsque Lincoln est mort. Il vaut mieux aller le soir quand il y a moins de monde.

2 Lincoln Memorial Circle, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20002
Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Conçu par John Russel Pope dans le style romain, cet hommage à Thomas Jefferson, troisième président des États-Unis et écrivain de la Déclaration de l'Indépendance, est élégant et simple. Un statue de Jefferson de 5,8 mètres se trouve à l'intérieur entouré par ses écrits stimulants. C'est une destination après-dîner parfait. Le soir, la vue du Washington Monument, de l'autre côté de la bassin de marée est impressionnante, surtout lorsque les cerisier sont en fleurs.

16 East Basin Drive SW, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20024
Tudor Place Historic House & Garden

The former home of Martha Washington's granddaughter, Tudor Place Historic House & Garden offers formal gardens and a house full of artifacts from the Washington family. The mansion was designed by Dr. William Thornton who also engineered the U.S. Capitol. For those with an interest in early American history, but without the time to travel to the more famous Mount Vernon, this museum within the city is ideal. Docents lead the frequent tours for a nominal price and you can also check out the interesting tea tour which was a tradition for around 200 years.

1644 31st Street North West, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20007
Musée International d'Espionnage

Le Musée International d'Espionnage propose un coup d'œil unique dans le monde innovateur d'espionnage et son impact à travers l'histoire et aux jours actuels. Parmi les expositions il y a des objets et des histoires d'espionnages provenants de partout dans le monde.

700 L'Enfant Plaza South West, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20004
National Gallery of Art

La Galerie National comprend une collection extensive de l'art européen et américain dans deux bâtiments spectaculaires. Dans le grand Bâtiment Ouest néo-classique on montre des œuvres de Rembrandt, Rubens, et Gainsborough. La collection permanente comprend des œuvres du XIIIe au XXe siècle y compris une partie consacrée à l'Impressionnisme. Une gare au sous-sol où vous trouverez une boutique des cadeaux et des restaurants vous amènera au Bâtiment Est. Conçu par I.M. Pei, ce bâtiment triangulaire est un point de repère important de la ville où vous trouverez des œuvres d'art du XXe siècle ainsi que des expositions temporaires.

6th and Constitution Avenue Northwest, National Mall, Washington DC, DC, États-Unis, 20565
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Le est à ne pas manquer pour tout visiteur. Le centre a sept théâtres y compris le Concert Hall, Eisenhower Theater, Family Theater, KC Jazz Club, Opera House, Terrace Theater, et le Theater Lab, où on monte des spectacles tels des pièces de théâtre, des opéras, des ballets, des concerts, et des films. Parmi les points forts du centre il y a le festival de Shakespeare produit par le Shakespeare Theater. Des visites guidées gratuites amènent des visiteurs à les faire connaître le Hall des États, le Halle des Nations, les théâtres principaux, et des cadeaux de beaucoup de pays en l'honneur du 35ième président. Le prix d'entrée aux spectacles varient selon le spectacle. Des billets à demi prix sont disponibles aux étudiants et personnes du troisième âge. Des remises sont offert pour des achats en groupe. Allez au site Internet pour plus d'information.

2700 F St NW, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20566
National World War II Memorial

Inauguré le 29 mai 2004, le Mémorial à la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale est le premier mémorial national à faire hommage aux « Américains qui se sont débattus pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondial et se sont sacrifiés afin de perpétuer le cadeau que nos ancêtres nous ont confié : un nation formé en liberté et en justice », comme proclame la pierre d'annonce. La conception par architecte Friedrick St. Florian marque les théâtres pacifique et européens de la guerre avec des arches magnifiques, et se souvient des 400 000 Américains qui sont mort avec 4 000 étoiles (100 pour chaque étoile) aux Mur de la Liberté. Il est situé sur le Mall National entre le Mémorial Lincoln et le Washington Monument.

1750 Independence Avenue Southwest, National Mall, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20024
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

An integral part of the West Potomac Park, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial is an impressive memorial honoring the life and glory of the legendary civil rights activist. The memorial, an extension of his valiant, dignified and equality-seeking identity, is based on the very foundations of justice, hope, and democracy. Laden with motley inscriptions and quotations from his speeches, including the iconic 'I Have a Dream', the memorial site is also home to a 30-foot (9 meters) statue of Martin Luther King, Jr., a pristine white sculpture signifying pride, equality, and an indelible political legacy. Fashioned from white granite, the structure is awash in Social Realist style and has been the subject of artists and critics alike. The crowning glory of Washington D.C., this iconic memorial has ignited a strong sense of political, social and historic integrity among the global audience.

1850 West Basin Drive Southwest, West Potomac Park, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20003
Ben's Chili Bowl

Founded by Ben and Virginia Ali, Ben's has served chili dogs, half-smokes, and milkshakes to generations of Washingtonians, including presidents who have been known to grab some chili-laden goodness, athletes, and celebrities. A wide range of hot dogs are served here, from the traditional dog to half-smokes and turkey dogs smothered in onions, cheese, and chili. Fries and onion rings, cream pies, and shakes are also offered, and breakfast is served six days a week. The restaurant's vibrant red and white exterior and iconic red booths and walls adorned with photos and memorabilia create a relaxed atmosphere that welcomes everyone. Ben's menu is simple but satisfying. The star of the show is, of course, the chili. Made with Ben's secret recipe, it's a spicy concoction that has been satisfying taste buds for decades. The half-smoke, a D.C. staple, is a must-try for any first-timer. Grilled to perfection and topped with Ben's signature chili, it's a delicious and filling meal.

1213 U Street Northwest, Washington, DC, États-Unis, 20009
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