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30 Most Resplendent Castles in Europe

Par: Cityseeker
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Dotted with epic medieval structures, Europe provides exhilarating opportunities to explore some of the best castles, boasting ornate throne rooms and chambers unmatched by the rest of the world. Enter the towering gates with excitement thrumming in your veins and immerse yourself in the world of Kings and Queens. Come explore our top pick of some of the most alluring European landmarks.

Château de Neuschwanstein

Located on a mountainside overlooking the Hohenschwangau valley, the Neuschwanstein Castle is a dream-like structure in an idyllic setting. Construction of the castle began in 1869 but was not completed until 1892. King Ludwig II commissioned its construction so that he could stay in a beautiful castle when he wanted to escape the royal courts. However, the king did not live to see the castle's completion. Visitors can explore the castle's Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic-inspired interior, including the third and fourth floors, which were supposed to have been the king’s residences. These floors house opulent murals and spectacular wood carvings. Tours of the castle are available throughout the day. Visitors must visit the nearby Mary's Bridge, from where the view of the castle and its surroundings is stunning.

Neuschwansteinstraße 20, Schwangau, Allemagne, 87645
Palácio da Pena

Dedans le coeur de la flore se dresse un monument qui peut être vu à plus de 50 kilomètres. Ce palace était construit sur les fondations d'un ancien couvent en 1840 par Dom Fernando II et on peut voir dans son style architectural des influences néo-arabiques ainsi que néo-médiévales, ce qui fait de lui l'un des meilleurs exemples de l'architecture romantique. Partout vous pouvez profiter des jardins monumentaux, des fontaines et des lacs.

Estrada da Pena, Sintra, Portugal, 2710-609
Forteresse de Guaita

'La Rocca' fut la première de trois forteresses à être construite sur le mont Titano.

Monte Titano, San Marino, San Marino, 47890
Château de Versailles

Incontestablement l’un des édifices les plus opulents au monde, le palais de Versailles est la quintessence de la royauté française. Louis XIV ordonna aux architectes Louis Le Vau et Jules Hardouin de construire le château de Versailles en 1664, sur le site du petit pavillon de chasse de son père. Il devint l’un des plus grands palais d’Europe, pouvant héberger plus de 20 000 courtisans à la fois. Les intérieurs sont extravagants, avec notamment les Appartements royaux et la très célèbre Galerie des glaces. Le Grand Trianon (1687) et le Petit Trianon (1762) se trouvent aussi dans le parc. En 1919, la Galerie des glaces joua un rôle important dans la politique mondiale en abritant la signature du Traité de Versailles. Exemple remarquable d’architecture baroque française jusqu’à ce jour, ce palais inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO envoûte les visiteurs avec son opulence et ses légendes.

Place d'Armes, Versailles, France, 78000
Château de Hohenwerfen

The fortress Hohenwerfen Castle stands guard over the green Salzach Valley from its hilltop perch. The Archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg had the castle built in 1075 to protect the valley from Henry IV's German forces. After Gebhard's time, the castle was used by the rulers of Salzburg for various purposes, including as a hunting retreat, for military use and also at times as a prison. Today, the castle is open as an adventure castle and offers guided tours of the weaponry used during wars.

Burgstraße 2, Werfen, Autriche, 5450
Château de Ségovie (Alcázar de Ségovie)

The Alcázar of Segovia, or Segovia Castle, is one of the historic landmarks of Segovia. This old fortress shaped like the bow of a boat with its iconic central turret is certainly a strong stone fortification. Throughout its history, it has been controlled by the Arabs, the Romans and finally the Christians. For a long time the castle was a royal residence for the rulers and kings of the Kingdom of Castile and played a key role in the defense of the city. Today, visitors can witness this formidable structure and its rooms, which have been converted into art spaces. Each of the halls displays varied art forms ranging from paintings to collectibles.

Plaza Reina Victoria Eugenia, Segovia, Espagne, 40003
Culzean Castle

The Culzean Castle lies in Carrick district on the coast of Ayrshire in Scotland. This magnificent castle, located inside the Culzean Country Park, lies on top of a cliff. Several amazing features are found in this castle, like the propellor from a plane that shot a German Airship in 1916, a gas house, etc. This majestic palace was home to the Marquess of Ailsa, the chief of the Kennedy Clan and now belongs to the National Trust for Scotland. Many ghost sightings have occurred at this castle

Silver Avenue, Maybole, Royaume-Uni, KA19 8LE
Château de Bamburgh

Le paysage côtier de ce château médiéval et rénové perché sur une falaise sur la Mer Nord dans Northumberland a attiré l’attention de plusieurs metteurs-en-scène ; en effet, Bamburgh Castle fut le site de plusieurs plateaux de cinéma. Le musée à l’intérieure héberge des merveilles locales : des collections d’objets militaires, des peintures, des meubles et de la porcelaine. Les plages pures sous le château sont parfaites pour des promenades entre amoureux. Beaucoup de parking. Un salon de thé est disponible, ainsi qu’une boutique. Visiter leur site internet pour plus de détails.

Links Road/B1340, Bamburgh, Royaume-Uni, NE69 7DF
Castello di Miramare

Castello di Miramare was the home of Maximilian until he was forced to leave and become the Emperor of Mexico. The next resident, Duke Amedeo of Savoy, made Castello di Miramare the seat for various military commands. In 1955, it was transformed into a museum. The castle still has the original furniture commissioned by Maximilian. There is a chapel; the Japanese and Chinese rooms, rich in oriental ornaments; and the apartments where the Duke of Savoy lived. Miramare is set in an extraordinary park, which extends over 54 acres (21.8 hectares). Guided tours are available upon request.

Viale Miramare, Trieste, Italie, 34014
Corvin Castle

Having been featured in many movies and series as a typical fairytale castle, the Corvin Castle is a majestic work of beautiful architecture that features towering buttresses and showcases features of a typical Transylvanian castle. It is characterized by pointed turrets and was built in 1446 in a Gothic-Renaissance style. One of the main attractions of the town of Hunedoara, the castle was built by the order of Iancu of Hunedoara, the leading Hungarian military and political figure during the 15th Century, and can be accessed by a drawbridge over the river below. The architecture of the castle is mesmerizing for sure, but the interior, with its middle-aged artifacts and beautiful paintings, is equally amazing. A tour of the castle takes the visitor through the main Knight's hall, the dungeon, and other important sections inside. Today, the castle is accessible to the public and serves as a museum.

Strada Castelului 20, Hunedoara, Roumanie, 331141
Bled Castle

Constructed as early as the 11th Century, the iconic and highly picturesque Bled Castle is considered the oldest structure of its kind in Slovenia. Situated atop a rugged cliff overlooking the lake, the Castle is a true picture of a classic castle structure, with tall towers, huge ramparts, and deep moats. The terrace provides a magnificent view of the lakeside surroundings. Today, one can explore the museum collection in the palace. It takes you on a riveting journey through history. The main exhibits consist of weaponry, armor, jewelry, and carvings.

Grajska Cesta 61, Bled, Slovenia, 4260
Frederiksborg Castle (Frederiksborg Slot)

Frederiksborg Castle is located in the middle of Hillerød and contains the National History Museum. Originally built by Frederik II in 1562, it was Christian IV's idea to build the wonderful Renaissance castle we know today. The castle burned down in 1859, and only the church is left; but the castle was rebuilt in 1865, from the outside looking just like before. Brewer Carl Jacobsen invested money so that the interior could be made like the original as well. Frederiksborg Slot contains a fine collection of photographs and portraits.

Møntportvejen 10, Hillerød, Danemark, 3400
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