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Top Rated Restaurants en Cafés in Glen Echo

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Woodmont Grill

Woodmont Grill is an upscale American eatery and bar. The kitchen is known for its delectable dishes like Ice-burg Wedge & Blue Cheese salad and house specials like Double Cut Pork Chop, that feature, bold flavors and artistic presentations. There is an assortment of dishes especially catering to the vegetarian palate. The place has an elaborate bar, with an extensive list of alcoholic beverages, that perfectly complement your meals. The place follows a dress code that certainly excludes flip flops, sportswear and beachwear or any kind of revealing attire. With a classy ambiance, great hospitality, delicious food and elegant decor style, Woodmont Grill makes for a good place for getting together with friends and family.

Mon Ami Gabi

Nestled in the heart of Bethesda's charming downtown district, Mon Ami Gabi is a classic French bistro serving the best in modern and traditional fare. Wooden shelves, ornate wine racks, and small cozy tables adorned with crisp white tablecloths create an air of sophistication and warmth. The food is equally as impressive. Before the meal even begins, guests are greeted by a toasty baguette and service fit for a five-star Parisian bistro. Their signature appetizers, escargot and oysters au gratin, are definitely worth a try. Mon Ami Gabi’s specialty, Steak Frites, is another crowd-pleaser, keeping guests happy by matching top-quality steaks with crispy French fries. This is a great place to enjoy a sumptuous lingering meal. - Zoe Pagonis

Black's Bar & Kitchen

Black's Bar & Kitchen—a welcoming venue for either lunch or dinner—serves great American food, and the seafood bar is impressive. Outdoor seating is available, and the bar is separated from the restaurant so the noise level is kept to a minimum.

Bethesda Blues & Jazz Supper Club

What once stood as the historic Bethesda Theater in 1938 has now been transformed into a suave live music supper club. Still carrying the glory of the yesteryear, Bethesda Blues and Jazz houses a small concert hall that serves brilliant continental fare. While 300 seats are ticketed as dinner seats, there are an additional 200 performance seats made available later. Come and enjoy this acoustically enhanced wonder on a fine evening.

Praline Bakery & Bistro

Praline Bakery & Bistro is a fine place that offers grubs for any ages and tastes since April 2006. The ambiance is cool and casual to hang out at. The bakery has a fantastic variety of macaroons, pistachio chocolate croissant, coffees, cakes and pastries. The delectable French cuisine is much appreciated for a good meal, at any time of the day. Private parties and gathering are accommodated in the restaurant too for memorable moments. Call ahead for more details, or check out their website.

Lyon Hall

Lyon Hall is a quintessential neighborhood brasserie in Arlington. It features an unrivaled beer list with over 20 on tap and over 50 bottled brews on offer. Enjoy a chilled pint with delectable bar fare. German and French classics dominate the menu with the likes of pretzels and steak frites. A packed house and energetic vibes during their weekend brunch reveals its local favorite status.

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4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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