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Best Contemporary Art in Philadelphia

, 3 Options Found

Permanent displays consist of paintings, drawings, sculpture, multi media montages and photography. CFEVA acts as a collective exhibition and promotion network for local artists. The different events held here and organized by them help spread awareness about the arts. Showcasing of various artists exposes people from different media towards the talents on display. The website has a lot of additional information and is updated regularly.

Vox Populi Gallery is one of the city's reputed and popular art galleries. Established in 1988, this gallery provides a wider platform to the amateur artists and allows them to showcase their works here. Apart from presenting their art, artists can also voice their thoughts at the art talks, discussions and various other events held here. Be it a solo artist or a creative group, Vox Populi Gallery gives everyone an equal chance. Visitors can browse through its exclusive collection on Sunday. For details, check website.

Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) can best be described as—a large, square space filled with ideas and beauty. Past shows have included retrospectives of Agnes Martin, Robert Morris, Cindy Sherman, Robert Mapplethorpe, Paul Thek and Peter Campus. There's no permanent collection, so check ahead about the current schedule. From July 1, 2008 ICA has become free to all visitors.

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