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Hagley Museum and Library

The Hagley Museum and Library is a grandiose treasure cove spread across an area of 235 acres. The museum houses a collection of artifacts and machinery of the DuPont mills and tries to show the impact of industrialization on the progress and growth of America. The library, on the other hand, houses a collection of books, photographs, archives and other manuscripts that recite the tale of economic and technological growth of the country. Apart from enriching the knowledge of its visitors, the Hagley Museum and Library also serves as an event space where local events and conferences are a regular feature.

Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library

The Winterthur Museum is an old house that used to be inhabited by Henry Francis du Pont. Located on the Country Estate, there are over 150 rooms in the house that are beautifully maintained. The house is decorated with artifacts that he collected over the years as well as items added after he died. Tastefully laid out, the house has 85,000 pieces of priceless artifacts that include paintings, furniture, artwork and lots more in the galleries at the house. It is also home to the Campbell Collection of Soup Tureens. You can also take a self-guided tour around the vast estate.

Delaware Art Museum

The Delaware Art Museum is a grandiose exhibition space that features an impressive collection of paintings and illustrations belonging to the Pre-Raphaelite period and the artistic trend of 19th and 20th Century America. Here, you get to see artworks by masterminds like Dante Rossetti, Simeon Solomon, Thomas Dewing, Raphaelle Peale, among several others. Besides featuring an awe-inspiring collection, the museum also hosts various art-related activities like exhibitions and workshops. Apart from that, the various halls located within the premises of the Delaware Art Museum are rented out for corporate functions, meetings, private gatherings, cocktail parties, and several other events.

Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts

The Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts is one of the best art centers in the country. What used to be a railroad passenger-coach factory is now an art hub like no other. The facility has as many as 30 studios and seven galleries to display their work. They also have a lecture hall to study art while artists could visit the cyber cafe for references. The venue also conducts regular workshops and courses.

Delaware History Museum

Delaware History Museum with its three galleries ensures that visitors get to see new and unique exhibits every time they are here. Collectibles, paintings, art pieces and many other objects are on display.

Delaware Museum Of Natural History

The Delaware Museum Of Natural History is the only museum of its kind in the state and was opened for the first time in 1972. Hosting over 700,000 visitors each year, the stupendous collections are from all the continents. Whether it's a jaguar that interests you or mollusks, birds eggs, dinosaur remains, paleontology, coral reefs or shells, you're sure to come across it here. Outreach programs encourage adults and kids to participate and enjoy the nature trails, walking tours and workshops.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 543 0 0 0,6 6