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Primeira classificação Atracções em Filadélfia

Raio De Busca (milhas)
Eastern State Penitentiary

Formerly the largest prison facility in America, the Eastern State Penitentiary is now Philadelphia’s major tourist attraction. What was once the most expensive prison in the country now stands in ruins, but that does not stop curious tourists from visiting the attraction. A first-of-its-kind, the penitentiary implemented previously unheard ideas of incarceration, which prioritized reformation over punishment. Today, the vaulted cell blocks and central rotunda invite many a tourists keen on knowing the eventful history of this fascinating establishment. What adds to the curiosity of the masses is the fact that the prison was home to notorious inmates such as ‘Slick Willie’ Sutton and Al Capone.

Rodin Museum

Few artistic geniuses have captured the human form and condition in sculpture-like Auguste Rodin. Marvel at perhaps his most famous work, The Thinker, and wonder at the introspective nature of man and the might that is thought and creation. The Kiss and other noteworthy sculptures are also on hand including his last work, Gates of Hell. Apart from the French Rodin Musee, the Philadelphia locale is considered the largest collection of his masterpieces.

Barnes Foundation

A working-class Philadelphian himself, Dr Albert Coombs Barnes established the foundation in 1922 to promote appreciation of the fine arts among the common man. Over the years, the Barnes Foundation has procured one of the most noteworthy collections of early French modern and post-impressionist paintings in the world. Works by artists like Renoir, Cezanne, Monet, Picasso and Rousseau are part of the collection. The collection has only toured once and then only a fraction of it was sent out. It is necessary to call ahead for a reserved admission ticket.

Please Touch Museum

Please Touch Museum is a must-visit when in town. Located in Memorial Hall, it features whimsical installations, interactive exhibits and optical illusions. Create music with your feet by stepping on the Walking Piano, meet characters from Alice in Wonderland, cross rivers in the rainforest and manoeuvre a flying machine. Visitors can attend activities and programs on various topics, from history to science, in an educational yet fun way. Make a pit stop at their Please Taste Café, or attend a folk performance or puppet show at their theatre. A popular attraction among children is their wooden carousel and yearly themed Storybook Ball where their favourite fairy tales come alive.

African American Museum

The African American Museum is famous for carefully preserving and analyzing the pictorial and material culture and heritage of the African Americans. Over so many years of efforts, the museum has stored about 5 lac objects, images, documents, dressings, pictures and books of the natives. Major events held here are Celebrate Africa 2008!, Discover Greatness, AAMP Art and Quilters' Roundtable. Generally, on Saturdays, there are Family Days which feature face painting, story telling sessions, choreographed dances and projecting films. Local artists put on their beautiful art-work based on lives of entertainers, politicians and freedom fighters.

Barclay Farmstead

Barclay Farm House is a Federal-style farmhouse dating back to the 19th Century. Spanning across 32 acres (12.95 hectares) of land, the farmhouse features a herb garden, farm buildings, playground, community gardens, orchard and nature trails following River Cooper. Besides numerous tours of the interiors, the house also plays host to outdoor concerts, craft fairs and other such cultural events. If you want to glimpse at a slice of local history and culture, then a visit to Barclay Farm House can be a great idea. Note that besides the usual timings, Barclay Farm House is also open to the public on the first Sunday of every month from April to November between 12p to 4p.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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