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Real-life Destinations from the Mythical 'Wheel of Time' Series

由: Cityseeker

From awe-inspiring gorges and spectacular viewpoints to scenic beaches and remnants of history, 'The Wheel of Time' features a plethora of enchanting locales that serve as unforgettable backdrops to the drama unfolding on screen. Here are ten stops to include on your fantasy-based itinerary should you wish to explore the paths traversed by the characters of the acclaimed series.

Great Soča Gorge

Great Soča Gorge is a breath-taking sight and a haven for all nature lovers. This gorge offers a mesmerizing view of the pristine Soča River which is sure to soothe your mind as well as your soul. If you are a brave heart and a swimmer, you can dive into the river during the summer months. However, if you wish to enjoy the beauty of the serene surroundings, you can set up a picnic at the end of the bridge. The beauty of the gorge is accentuated after the rainy season, the river is calm, thereby allowing you to take a dip or plan a picnic nearby.

Soča, Soča Valley, Triglav National Park, Bovec, Slovenia, 5232

Situated in Bohemian Switzerland, Pravčická brána is a rock formation featuring the largest natural sandstone arch in Europe. This place has been named after a hermit named Prebisch who once lived here. There is a chateau near the rock wall that houses a photo gallery and a restaurant. This place is surrounded by picturesque elements of nature which is a true treat to the eye. Pravčická brána is one of the most prominent monuments in Hrensko and must be visited by history enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Hrensko 82, Hrensko, 捷克共和国, 40717
Mangart Saddle

Mangart Saddle, locally known as the Mangartsko sedlo, is a majestic attraction tucked away in one of the highest mountain passes in the country. Sitting at an elevation of 2,072 meters (6,798 ft)—the panoramic vistas are known to offer dramatic sceneries straight out of the movies. To visit the mountain pass, one needs to be a brave heart to experience some of the most enchanting and exciting narrowly paved roads. Driving and cycling on these mountain roads that are known to offer fascinating steeps and hairpin bend turn-the journey to Mangart pass is an attraction in itself. Upon reaching the spot, one requires to hike a small trail leading to the viewpoint. At the summit, enjoy the spectacular scenes of mountain valleys and stunning surroundings.

Strmec na Predelu, Log pod Mangartom, Bovec, Slovenia, 5231
Dolský mlýn

Located in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Dolský Mlýn is a site of a three-wheeled mill and a saw mill which operated in the 16th century. The outer walls of the historic building have been preserved which stand as ruins in the present day. Declared as a cultural monument, it is a popular destination amongst hikers in the area. This site has also been used as a location for a number of film productions in the past. Best accessible from the nearby village of Jetřichovice, visiting Dolský Mlýn is a great way to spend some quality time with mother nature.

Off Route 25858, Růžová, 捷克共和国, 405 02

Soča在意大利也被称为Isonzo,是一条美丽的翠绿色的河流,在整个长度上保持着令人叹为观止的美丽。它跨越了138公里(86英里)的距离,起源于斯洛文尼亚西北部地区的特伦塔(Trenta)的阿尔卑斯山谷(Alpine valley),进入意大利沿海城镇蒙法尔科内(Monfalcone)附近的亚得里亚海。中间穿过斯洛维尼亚和意大利的一些城镇,在新戈里察附近着名的索尔坎石桥下方。从历史上看,它是几个军事行动的据点,被称为“十二战伊桑佐”,其中30多万名士兵丧生。在桥梁战争现场,这条河在2008年迪斯尼电影“纳尼亚王子凯斯宾编年史”中出现。

Soča, Solkan, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 5250

远离繁忙的道路和熙熙攘攘的人口,克罗地亚最大的山脉Velebit Mountain的北部地区被风景如画的国家公园Sjeverni Velebit所覆盖。公园成立于1999年,占地面积为109平方公里(42.08平方英里),由一些最具生态价值和有趣的物种和栖息地组成。它提供了卓越的徒步旅行的机会,并通过郁郁葱葱的山林,植物园和广阔的风景和草地贯穿标志着明显的小径。

Krasno 96, Senj, 克罗地亚, 53286
Čertovy hlavy

Čertovy hlavy which translates to Devil's Heads are sandstone rock sculptors that have a long-standing history dating back to 1841. These rock sculptors were created by the famous sculptor of the 19th century, Václav Levý. The sandstone sculptors rise to a height of 9 meters and also feature an artificial cave. This place is a must-visit for those who wish to get the chills since Čertovy hlavy is touted to be one of the creepiest places in the Czech Republic. During your visit, you can also hike up to Václav Levý's formations that are found nearby.

Off Route 9, Želízy, 捷克共和国, 277 21
Napoleon's Bridge

Situated above the banks of the pristine Soča river, Napoleon's Bridge has a long-standing history dating back to 1750. This bridge was blown up by Austrian soldiers during the First World War and was then replaced by a wooden bridge followed by an iron bridge. During the 18th century, Napoleon's armies marched at the end of the bridge and hence it has been so named. During your visit, you can enjoy picturesque views of the Soča river which is a true treat to the eye.

Off Route 203, Soča River, Kobarid, Slovenia, 5222
Velká Amerika

A little away from the iconic city of Prague lies a quaint village called Morina – a charming little town attracting visitors for all the right reasons. Velká Amerika is one of the popular attractions in the region that is known for its dramatic setting. Known for offering an epic landscape featuring magnificent cliffs, crystal clear waters, and magical gorges, this scenic spot calls all nature lovers to experience the best of the best natural terrain. Favorite among the moviemakers who capture the picturesque setting of the landscape, this lovely spot was once a mining hub. The visitors must hike up to reach the vantage point and witness the enchanting vistas—capture Instagram-worthy pictures. Often compared to the grand canyons of America, this natural attraction is a wonder of its own.

Off Route 11613, Mořina, 捷克共和国, 267 17
Playa de Benijo

Tucked away in Anaga Rural Park, Benijo is a popular beach. Following a narrow trail along a dense laurisilva forest, you will reach the sparkling beachfront of Benijo. For the adventurous beach lovers, this nudist beach will prove a risqué delight. Rest on the volcanic black sand here and take in the soothing views of the relentless waves leaving behind white, foamy marks as they return to the sea. At the other end of the beach are a handful of eateries that serve delectable authentic meals.

Almaciga 10, Taganana, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 西班牙, 38129
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