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Indulge in Tasteful Drinks at these 20 Fabulous Bars

由: Cityseeker

Redefining the art of drinking, these bars are known for their inventive drinks. Exuding sophistication and style, with elegant decor and impeccable service to boot, these establishments feature drink menus that are expansive. Whether you choose from a wide array of premium spirits or settle for unique cocktail concoctions, you're sure to have a memorable evening. The epitome of luxury and social indulgence, these bars are sure to elevate your nightlife experience.


屡获殊荣的调酒师大卫·马丁内斯(David Martinez),甜心自由饮品与供应公司(Sweet Liberty Drinks&Supply Company)的创意源于其一流的顶级鸡尾酒和创新的美国酒吧叮咬的完美融合。复古的壁纸在现代的空间里提供了一个旧世界的魅力抚慰。这间古怪的酒吧营业至5a,为迈阿密的夜间爬行者提供了完美的避难所。

237 20th Street, Miami Beach, FL, 美国, 33139

“大胆而美丽”最能形容东方宾馆的竹吧。在优雅的家具的荒野触摸创建一个生动多彩的装饰。爵士乐队和Cynthia Utterbach等国际爵士歌手的日常表演让这个酒吧的人气高涨。除了爵士乐之外,大多数日子里还有现场钢琴演奏。酒吧是一个很好的聚会场所,您可以在漫长的一天之后放松身心,品尝美味的饮料和音乐。

48 Oriental Avenue, Manadarin Oriental Hotel, 曼谷, 泰国, 10500
死兔帮爱尔兰酒吧(The Dead Rabbit)

死兔帮爱尔兰酒吧(The Dead Rabbit)获奖无数,获奖项目有:“世界最佳酒吧”“北美最佳酒吧”以及“世界最佳酒单”。获誉无数后还能常年保持高水准是件不容易的事情,而死兔酒吧就能做到。死兔帮爱尔兰酒吧既有上等鸡尾酒,又提供各种传统干货,能满足各种层次客人的需求。一楼酒吧的精酿啤酒、威士忌和潘趣酒品种繁多,任君挑选。而对品味高雅些的客人,楼上的吧台提供了72种以上的传统鸡尾酒-均是该酒吧出色的调酒师调制。配餐可选择奶酪、熟食和其他小吃。不论你想吃的是正宗羊肉牧羊人派,还是波本核桃面包布丁,或是高级东海岸牡蛎料理,店里的厨师都能当场为你做出想要的美味。时尚的客人们在轻快的钢琴伴奏下,各自谈话、喝酒、进餐和交流。每周的爱尔兰乐队和DJ表演也为闪耀的夜晚增添乐趣。死兔帮爱尔兰酒吧也是美食杂货店,您可以在那里买到皇家之宝肥皂和Crosse&Blackwell牌传统腌菜,以及T恤和礼品盒等纪念品。三楼为特别预留空间,可供私人活动预约使用。

30 Water Street, 纽约, NY, 美国, 10004

TAG is an upscale modern bar in Krakow that resembles the interiors of a fancy art gallery with contemporary fittings. The color scheme is a play of deep black, blues and yellows which make it feel artistic and elegant. The cocktails are more on the lighter end but every glass looks extremely plush in your hand. Check out their menu for their small plates and non-alcoholic beverage if you please. You can also ask the bartender to whip up something creative if you want something that’s not on the menu. Head out with your friends and have the time of your life at this amazing award-winning cocktail bar.

Podwale 7, 克拉科夫, 波兰, 31-118
Zapote Bar

The roots of Zapote Bar lie deep in the Mayan culture where the fruit of the Zapote tree is considered to be a symbol of hospitality. It all starts with a warm smile and a refreshing welcome drink before you begin to explore everything that it has to offer. The interiors are a beautiful play of Latin chic elements which exude positivity and make you feel relaxed. Watch the place transverse into a hip cocktail bar at night with an exquisite craft cocktail selection and an interesting Mayan and Middle Eastern menu. Be pampered by the impeccable service, tasteful flavors and energizing cocktails at this amazing award-winning bar.

Carretera Cancun-playa Del Carmen Km 298 Solidaridad, Playa del Carmen, 墨西哥, 77710

Sin + Tax is a trendy bar situated in Johannesburg. The bar offers an extensive list of drinks, with a focus on classic cocktails and artisanal spirits. However, what sets Sin + Tax apart is their playful approach to sin taxes - the additional taxes placed on products that are harmful to public health, such as alcohol and tobacco. It is interesting to note that the bar also features a selection of organic and locally-sourced beverages, as well as eco-friendly products like reusable straws and biodegradable coasters. Whether you're looking for a place to unwind after a long day or to celebrate a special occasion, Sin + Tax is a must-visit destination in Johannesburg.

4 Bolton Road, Rosebank, 约翰尼斯堡, 南非, 2193

Nestled in the heart of South Goa's charming village of Colva, Tesouro quickly won the hearts of locals as well as tourists with its inviting vibe. The drinks menu boasts an extensive cocktail list, from classic concoctions to innovative creations, each prepared with precision and flair. From fine rum, craft gins, and the captivating allure of agave spirits to local heroes like feni, born from Goan soil and distilled from cashew or coconut, share the spotlight. The captivating ambiance, inviting interiors, tantalizing drinks, and an exquisite menu that celebrates the vibrant flavors of Goa are what make this spot special.

Colva-Benaulim Road, Near Florida Gardens Vanelim, Colva, 果阿邦, 印度, 403708

The Old Man is a speakeasy concealed in a wall on a slope in Hong Kong's busy Soho. This speakeasy pays homage to the legendary Ernest Hemingway, renowned for his unwavering appreciation of exceptional spirits. Here, courteous staff members who are experts in their field and excel in presentation serve creative cocktails named after the author's well-known works. Counted among the top bars in Asia, The Old Man now has a branch in Singapore too.

37-39 Aberdeen Street, Lower G/F, Soho, 香港, 中国香港特别行政区
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