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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Ciudad del Cabo

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Table Mountain National Park

The Table Mountain National Park was demarcated as a protected zone in 1998. The Table Mountain is populated by a rare form of shrubland known as Fynbos. The South African National Park is also a part of UNESCO’s Cape Floral Region World Heritage Site. Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope are the two famous landmarks of the area. The park is home to a vibrant variety of wildlife, especially larger animals like leopards, black rhinoceros and bontebok.

Chapman's Peak Scenic Drive

This must-see, Atlantic Seaboard drive connects Hout Bay and Noordhoek. For a small toll fee, you can enjoy 9 kilometers (5.59 miles) of gorgeous views of Hout Bay, stunning mountain peaks, and the beautiful coastal landscape. Along the road, you will find many places to pull off and enjoy a picnic or sunset. As you climb the road, you will reach an amazing, panoramic point which is well worth a pause. Breathtaking, 180-degree views are guaranteed as you drive around the many bends on the road. The road has been extensively repaired and connects Hout Bay to a number of other enjoyable attractions such as Simon's Town and Cape Point. Overall, it's the perfect drive to get away from the shops and bustle of Cape Town.

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

Set in beautiful surroundings on the eastern slopes of Table Mountain, this magnificent 538-hectare (1329.43 acre) garden features a rich diversity of indigenous South African plants. The lower portion of Kirstenbosch consists of large flowerbeds and expansive lawns while higher up the slopes, the cultivated garden gives way to natural forest and fynbos. At the main entrance, an impressive conservatory houses a wide variety of plants from other climatic regions of South Africa. There is a restaurant, an information desk and a great shop. Come summertime, the gardens host the annual, magical Sunset Concerts. The gardens also have their own Stone Cottage which can be hired for various events like lectures, meeting and such other events. The cottage can accommodate about 60 people and has a self-catering service.

Camps Bay Beach

Camps Bay Beach is a broad stretch of palm tree-lined white sand bordering the bracing waters of the Atlantic ocean. Set at the foot of a spectacular series of mountain peaks, the Twelve Apostles, yet only 10 minutes from the city center by car, it is one of Cape Town's most popular beaches. It is not a sheltered beach, so if the wind is blowing it is advisable to head for Clifton, another breath-taking and more secluded beach just around the corner. The beachside road has a festive atmosphere with a good variety of cafes and restaurants offering great sea views.

Boulders Beach

These rocks are named after the rounded boulders which shelter a beautiful swimming beach from the mischievous south-easterly winds. A part of Table Mountain National Park, Boulders Beach gives a unique opportunity to swim with Jackass (African) penguins. You'll find the main penguin colony at Foxy Beach next to the swimming beach where there is an attractive boardwalk. The friendly park staff will be happy to answer any questions. Although these penguins are among the most human-tolerant in the world, they can inflict a severe bite if their space is invaded, or they feel threatened. It is safe to maintain a safe distance of at least a meter between them and yourself. You'll be able to see a variety of other birds at Boulders. These include the African Black Oyster-catcher and the Crowned Cormorant plus numerous species of smaller birds.

Museo del Distrito 6

Originalmente se fundó en 1994 como un espacio de reunión de los ex residentes, el museo del Distrito 6 es una forma de guardar en la memoria la historia de la movilización forzosa y la marginalización que enfrentaron los residentes del distrito. Como parte del apartheid de Sudáfrica, más de 60.000 residentes de color fueron echados del distrito y reubicados en una zona árida conocida como Cape Flats, sus hogares se destruyeron para dar lugar a los colonos blancos. Actualmente el museo ofrece al público, exhibiciones didácticas cerca de la trágica historia de uno de los municipios más desprotegidos de Ciudad del Cabo. Las visitas guiadas por ex residentes del Distrito 6 están disponibles llamando con anticipación, pero los turistas pueden recorrer el distrito por su cuenta. Hay una librería y una cafetería en el sitio.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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