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Primera clasificación Compras en Ciudad del Cabo

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Plaza Greenmarket

En 1710, se instaló la feria agrícola y actualmente es el más conocido mercado de pulgas. También alberga muchos artistas callejeros, bailarines, cantantes y músicos y algunos de los caracteres más excéntricos y coloridos de Ciudad del Cabo. Alrededor hay una buena selección de restaurantes y cafés con mesas al aire libre para cafecitos al fresco. Hermosos edificios que incluyen el viejo ayuntamiento, bordean la plaza. El mejor momento para visitar la plaza Greenmarket es una mañana de sábado con sol. La aceptación de tarjetas de crédito varía según el negocio.

Afraid of Mice

Afraid of Mice is a quintessential women’s clothing store that stocks all the clothes that you’ve wished your mom had set aside for you. The store is located on Long Street at the corner of Longmarket in Cape Town, South Africa. It is known for its unique collection of second hand and vintage clothes that are handpicked by Simone and Bianca Brandi: the owners of the store.

Canal Walk Shopping Centre

Canal Walk Shopping Centre at Century City is a major tourist attraction and a small shopping and entertainment city in itself. The diverse retail experience over here includes about 400 stores and boutiques that represent some of the best national and international brands. The complex also includes a massive food court with plenty of restaurant, cafes, bars and clubs, 20 cinema halls, an entertainment park, MTN science center, a skate park, a gaming zone and a host of other facilities—Canal Walk has just about everything you can imagine. If all this is not enough, the mall also has a huge multi-functional event space which hosts an array of festivals, competitions and fun activities for kids.

Studio 8

This designer clothing boutique can be found on Cavendish street in the suburb of Claremont in Cape Town, South Africa. Studio 8 prides itself on stocking original and high fashion garments from designers in the United States and Europe. Most of the well-known brands can be found in this store along with some lesser known ones that are just as chic.

Merry Pop Ins

Merry Pop Ins is both kid and environment friendly. The store sells an extensive selection of second hand clothes that are well washed, well loved and ready to be purchased. The ideal of this store to reuse provides customers the opportunity to get great clothes at great rates while preventing harm to the environment caused by wastage. This store also has a play area and arts and crafts area to keep visiting children entertained.

Babette Clothing

Since its establishment in 2010, Babette clothing has grown tremendously and now has a dedicated following. The store features a collection of garments and accessories that are vintage and vintage inspired. This collection includes both imported items as well as articles that are regional designer wear.

0,6 102 17 1 8 [["Plaza Greenmarket","-33.922233550611","18.419877842386","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","54 Shortmarket Street, Ciudad del Cabo, 8000","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/132703-plaza-greenmarket"],["Afraid of Mice","-33.922322343071","18.419126521577","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","86 Corner Longmarket Street, Ciudad del Cabo, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/952950-afraid-of-mice"],["Canal Walk Shopping Centre","-33.896251511009","18.510019263957","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Century Boulevard, Ciudad del Cabo, 7441","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/378058-canal-walk-shopping-centre"],["Studio 8","-33.98149227185","18.46276118509","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Cavendish Street, Ciudad del Cabo, 7708","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/952956-studio-8"],["Merry Pop Ins","-33.925153456481","18.414015832531","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","201 Bree Street, Ciudad del Cabo, 8000","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/952973-merry-pop-ins"],["Babette Clothing","-33.922827777069","18.418376908316","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","41 Church Street, Ciudad del Cabo, 8000","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/cape-town\/952949-babette-clothing"]] adayincity 132703,952950,378058,952956,952973,952949 6 0 1 Shopping
8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 102 0 0 0,6 6