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Best Science & Technology in Philadelphia

por: Cityseeker
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Academia de Ciencias Naturales

La Academia de Ciencias Naturales se enorgullece de tener una de las colecciones más extensas de restos y fósiles de dinosaurios de todo el país. En el recinto encontrarán un esqueleto de doce metros de altura de un Tiranosaurio Rex, el antiguo rey del mundo. Además de las exhibiciones permanentes encontrarán varias exposiciones sobre ecología y la importancia de esta ciencia en el mundo moderno. El museo está convenientemente ubicado cerca del Instituto Franklin y otros museos, así como también de tiendas y restaurantes.

1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19103
The Franklin Institute

A man of amazing talent and stature, Benjamin Franklin, is celebrated as one of the founding fathers of America and for being an influential figure in history. It follows naturally that his contributions have inspired generations of Americans. The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia is one such landmark that celebrates the man. The institute serves as a science museum, education center and event venue. Apart from exhibits that date back centuries, there are interactive rooms, so patrons can experience it all themselves. A session in the escape room will test your noggin, while the sports zone pushes your physical fitness levels. Explore the inner workings of the heart and brain or let the marvel of space exploration leave you spell bound. The iconic Benjamin Franklin National Memorial statue watches over the proceedings from the centrally located rotunda. The Franklin Institute definitely warrants a visit if you're around Philly.

222 North 20th Street, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19103
Benjamin Franklin Museum

Dedicated to one of the most beloved Founding Fathers of America, The Benjamin Franklin Museum in the Old City is located at Franklin Court in Old City. The museum features several artifacts and exhibits that chronicle various aspects of Franklin’s life. A part of the Independence National Historical Park, the place includes a steel-structure that stands just as and where his original house and print shop used to be. Interactive, computer-based displays which chronicle Franklin's legacy are included in the collection here which add to the educational value of the site. Open between 9a to 5p, everyday of the week, The Benjamin Franklin Museum makes for a truly enlightening visit.

Chestnut Street, Franklin Court, Filadelfia, PA, Estados Unidos, 19106
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