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Tivoli (Copenhague)

Fundado en 1843, los Jardines Tívoli son un parque de diversiones único ubicado donde solían estar las murallas de la entonces ciudad fortificada. De hecho, el lago dentro del parque es un vestigio del foso original de la ciudad. Mundialmente conocido por su atmósfera de carnaval y sus atracciones emocionantes, los Jardines Tívoli combinan el encanto del viejo mundo con el dinamismo del futuro. El parque ocupa unos impresionantes 80.000 metros cuadrados en el corazón mismo de Copenhague, lo que lo convierte en uno de los parques de diversiones más grandes del país. Los Jardines Tívoli ofrecen unas atracciones increíbles, como una montaña rusa histórica, un barco pirata mítico y varios carruseles. También encontrarán al rededor de 40 bares y restaurantes, algunos de los cuales son gourmet y datan de 1843. El entretenimiento de la más alta calidad está garantizado y las festividades se vuelven más marcadas durante la temporada navideña.

Kunsthal Charlottenborg

The Charlottenborg Palace was constructed in 1672-83 in Dutch Baroque style for Ulrik Frederik Gyldenlve. Queen Dowager Charlotte Amalie bought the palace in 1700 and gave it its present name. The main building facing Kongens Nytorv was built in 1827 by C.F. Hansen, and contains the Fest and Antiksalen Halls. Charlottenborg is home to the Royal Danish Academy of Art, as well as a library with a sizable collection of literature on art. First and foremost, this is the place for new and established artists to have their exhibitions, and houses the contemporary art repository Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Charlottenborg is also famous for its spring show, Forårsudstilling, an open, censored exhibition of work in painting, crafts and architecture.

Arken Museum of Modern Art

Arken Museum of Modern Art, located in Ishøj, south of Copenhagen, houses a large museum for modern art. This building has a character of its own, given to it by architect Søren Robert Lund. The museum fits beautifully into the low-lying landscape of beach, lakes, lagoons, and dykes. From a distance, the building resembles a huge ship. The interior of the museum has been criticized for not being very suitable for exhibiting paintings. Arken Museum of Modern Art hosts exhibitions of work by world-famous modern artists, such as Dalí and Rauschenberg, as well as works by relatively unknown artists. It also contains a concert hall and a cinema.

Bellevue Teatret

Bellevue Teatret fue el toque final de un plan local de arquitectura para la zona de Bellevue, hecha por el mundialmente famoso arquitecto danés Arne Jacobsen en los años 30. El teatro fue terminado en 1936 y representa funcionalismo blanco y moderno. Desde el exterior, la construcción es impresionante, pero por dentro, un típico e íntimo universo de diseño de Jacobsen se abre. Las formas redondas, los mosaicos, y la forma en que el balcón envuelve el teatro, merecen ser experimentados. El repertorio consiste principalmente en entretenimiento familiar y presentaciones ligeras. Las personas acuden desde la ciudad para sentir el espíritu y para ver la vista fenomenal del hermoso resund. Consulta el sitio web para los horarios de apertura de la taquilla ya que varían.


This park, built as an addition to the Slottsparken across the water, is a lovely manicured collection of groves and lawns. Ideal for a picnic or day in the sun, it can also make for a nice stroll when the weather is gray and damp, as it often is in Sweden.

Teknikens och Sjöfartens Hus

Teknikens och Sjöfartens Hus is the main science museum of southern Sweden. It places an emphasis on how science and technology have played a large role in Sweden's history as a maritime power. It has other interesting exhibits on more standard science topics such as physics and natural history. The museum is conveniently located close to other attractions in the central part of the city.

0,6 29 5 1 5,7,6 F-TA25 Eco-friendly F-TA25|eco-friendly|Ecológico [["Tivoli (Copenhague)","55.673691547474","12.568209747399","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Vesterbrogade 3, Copenhague, 1630","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/53992-tivoli-copenhague"],["Kunsthal Charlottenborg","55.679821642254","12.588294772427","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Nyhavn 2, Copenhague, 1051","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/69969-kunsthal-charlottenborg"],["Arken Museum of Modern Art","55.606882052108","12.388512592978","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Skovvej 100, Ish\u00f8j, 2635","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/69968-arken-museum-of-modern-art"],["Bellevue Teatret","55.777684592682","12.590494947114","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Strandvejen 451, Klampenborg, 2930","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/269976-bellevue-teatret"],["Kungsparken","55.603227900902","12.99274442413","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kungsparken, Malm\u00f6, 211 25","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/malmo\/656768-kungsparken"],["Teknikens och Sj\u00f6fartens Hus","55.604764693465","12.983103612116","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Malm\u00f6husv\u00e4gen 7, Malm\u00f6, 211 18","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/malmo\/657171-teknikens-och-sj\u00f6fartens-hus"]] adayincity 53992,69969,69968,269976,656768,657171 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

Más Atractivos

5,7,6,10 29 0 0 0,6 6