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Museo Louisiana de Arte Moderno (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art)

Fundado en 1958, Louisiana es el museo de arte moderno más grande de Dinamarca. El museo es un anexo de una vieja villa, ubicada en medio de un magnífico parque que se expande hasta resund. En el parque encontrarás esculturas de Henry Moore, Calder, Max Ernst, Arp y Debuffet. Dentro se encuentra una magnífica colección de esculturas de Giacometti. Disfruta las exhibiciones de Van Gogh, Monet, Magritte, Chagall, Matisse, Warhol y Hopper. El museo contiene una sala de conciertos y un excelente restaurante que posee hermosas vistas de resund.

Teatermuseet i Hofteatret

Teatermuseet i Hofteatret is an enticing museum that hosts a huge collection of artifacts, photographs, drawings, paintings, engravings, costumes, set models and other exhibits that reveal history of theater in the region. A visit to the museum is an amazing way to find out how theater, music, ballets and other cultural activities developed in the country.

Black Diamond (library)

The Black Diamond, simply known as "The Diamond," is an extension of the Royal Library, designed in a modern architectural style, smooth as a mirror, by the architect firm Schmidt, Hammer and Lassen. The main entrance to the Royal Library is from Søren Kierkegaards Square, and you'll find the ticket office as well as restrooms, the cloakroom and a bookshop here. The entrance to Restaurant Søren K is from the vestibule. The entrance to the Queen's Auditorium is from Christians Brygge 9. This hall is hired out for different arrangements of rhythmic and classical music, as well as for some lectures and conferences. Tickets for the musical arrangements can be bought at the ticket office.

Galería Nacional de Dinamarca (Statens Museum for Kunst)

Esta grandiosa construcción fue levantada en 1889-96 en base a los planos trazados por Wilhelm Dahlerup y G.E.W. Mller, al estilo Renacimiento Italiano. En otoño de 1998, fue inaugurada una extensión que dio al Museo Estatal de Arte la renovación que necesitaba. Los arquitectos fueron Anna Maria Indrio y Mads Mller. Esta construcción sumamente original fue construida en el parque detrás de la construcción original y está conectada a ésta por un pasillo cubierto de vidrio, "la calle de las esculturas". La 'calle' se extiende por todo lo largo del museo, y en su interior se llevan a cabo conciertos y espectáculos de baile. El museo contiene colecciones de arte que datan del siglo XII. Entre las más viejas colecciones Europeas y Danesas, deleita tu vista con las pinturas de Titian, Tintoretto, Breugel, Rubens, Frans Hals y Rembrandt. La colección moderna comprende obras de Picasso, Braque, Leger, Modigliani y Emil Nolde. También los pintores daneses están muy bien representados, y puedes disfrutar los estilos de Oluf Hst, Edward Weihe, Olaf Rude y Harald Giersing.


Cinemateket is in the heart of Copenhagen, between Kongens Nytorv and Nørreport Station, and is part of the Danish Film Institute. The architecturally interesting building contains two cinema theaters, a library, a videoteque, a bookshop and a café, all in a fashionable atmosphere. The repertoire varies with different themes each month; almost all genres are represented at some time throughout the year. Each film is screened twice or thrice a month, and the prices are relatively low per ticket. Some short flicks and children's films are free, but you normally have to order the tickets in advance. Cinemateket is the only cinema in Copenhagen with such a varied repertoire, and is an especially fun place to bring children on a rainy day.

Royal Danish Theater

Located on Kongens Nytorv, the Royal Danish Theater was built by architect Wilhelm Dallerup in 1874. The building is especially impressive at night when crowds flock to the theater in evening dress. Home of the Royal Theater Company, the Royal Ballet and the Opera, the theater has two stages: Gamle Scene (old stage) and Ny Scene (new stage). Gamle Scene has a magnificent auditorium. The ceiling is decorated with Constantin Hansen's Nine Muses. Sculptures of two of Denmark's most famous playwrights decorate the entrance: Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754) was sculpted by T. Stein in 1875 and Adam Oehlenschläger (1799-1850) made by H.W. Bissen in 1861. In 1929-31 the Ny Scene was built in a separate building, the controversial, art deco Strekassen. The ticket office is open from 1p to 8p, Monday to Saturday. Leftover tickets are sold at half price from 5p on the evening of the performance.

0,6 50 9 1 5,7,6 170 A Day in the City 170|a-day-in-the-city|Un día en la ciudad [["Museo Louisiana de Arte Moderno (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art)","55.969995398953","12.540756655804","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Gammel Strandvej 13, Humleb\u00e6k, 3050","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/69967-museo-louisiana-de-arte-moderno-louisiana-museum-of-modern-art"],["Teatermuseet i Hofteatret","55.675071245687","12.579394182165","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Christiansborg Ridebane 10-18, Copenhague, 1218","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/651852-teatermuseet-i-hofteatret"],["Black Diamond (library)","55.673411509718","12.582658158815","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","S\u00f8ren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Copenhague, 1249","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/58898-black-diamond-library"],["Galer\u00eda Nacional de Dinamarca (Statens Museum for Kunst)","55.688526718352","12.57836026228","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","S\u00f8lvgade 48-50, Copenhague, 1307","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/70017-galer\u00eda-nacional-de-dinamarca-statens-museum-for-kunst"],["Cinemateket","55.68314794438","12.57870689438","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Gothersgade 55, Copenhague, 1123","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/42330-cinemateket"],["Royal Danish Theater","55.680525151739","12.585953725089","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kongens Nytorv, Copenhague, 1017","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/copenhagen\/57647-royal-danish-theater"]] adayincity 69967,651852,58898,70017,42330,57647 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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