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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Estes Park

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Horsetooth Resevoir

Horsetooth Resevoir welcomes you to spend a relaxed evening and indulge in your favorite past-time. With a long stretch of shoreline, the reservoir remains a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, camping and boating. Adventure seekers can also opt for rock climbing or scuba diving in the reservoir's gushing waters.

Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas

El Parque Nacional de las Montañas Rocosas es un Parque Nacional de los Estados Unidos y se encuentra en Colorado. Con una superficie de 107,550 hectáreas, el parque está repleto de características geográficas muy distintas, como montañas enormes, bosques espesos y lagos cristalinos. Los visitantes podrán encontrarse con especies salvajes, como alces, osos negros y pumas, y quedarán encantados con los miles de colores de las flores silvestres que crecen por doquier en el parque. También encontrarán una gran variedad de senderos donde podrán hacer caminatas, andar en bicicleta y practicar deportes de invierno, además de espacios para picnics y para acampar. Visiten el sitio web para más información.

Estes Park Aerial Tramway

Estes Park's location amid the sprawling wilderness of its surroundings has rendered it a favorite with fans of the outdoors, and one riveting way to experience its natural grandeur is by hopping onto the Estes Park Aerial Tramway. Connecting the town with the majestic summit of Prospect Mountain, the tramway affords spellbinding views of the vistas unfolding all around, evoking a sense of awe in all those who gaze upon them. The journey to the top spans 3.5 minutes, and is an incredibly scenic route to the summit of the landmark mountain where trails and delightful scenery abound!

Lake Estes

The azure waters of Lake Estes glimmer beneath the bright Colorado skies, presenting the perfect picture of idyllic beauty and lakeside rejuvenation. One of the most popular outdoor destinations in the picturesque mountain town of Estes Park, this pristine lake promises a day filled with reinvigorating activities. Row your boat down the gentle channel of the lake, or scour its depths for rainbow trout. Admire the mountains towering over the scenic expanse of the town and the reservoir and capture the sights for posterity. Additionally, you can traverse the trail that loops around the lake and take a closer look at the natural features which abound here.

Beaver Meadows Visitor Center

Beaver Meadows Visitors Center is the main visitors' center at Rocky Mountain National Park and it was declared a National Historic Landmark in 2001. Take a pit stop here on your way to the park to arm yourself with a wealth of important information that will make your park experience more memorable. From the best hiking trails to a short film about the park, gift shops and a café, the center has it all. They also have a large three-dimensional map of the park with lighted features. Talk to a ranger if you have any queries about the national park.

Downtown Estes Park

While Estes Park on a whole is a dazzling portrait of natural splendor, with scenic views visible from every corner of the picturesque town, its Downtown is a world unto itself. A mélange of artsy shops, vintage storefronts, and quaint cafes and restaurants greet visitors as they stroll along the bustling streets that comprise the town's vibrant heart. There is much to explore here, with galleries beckoning to connoisseurs of art and riverside plazas inviting nature lovers and enabling sightseeing excursions. A prominent attraction in the Downtown area of Estes Park is the serene Riverwalk, a gorgeous stretch that facilitates leisurely walks amid colorful surrounds. Downtown Estes Park also features informative museums where you can trace the town's history and the life and times of its inhabitants.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 50 0 0 0,6 6