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Saxon Switzerland National Park

Saxon Switzerland National Park is a wonderful place to experience the beauty of the wilderness with friends or family. The park features a variety of hiking and biking trails that allow groups to interact with nature and explore the park at their own pace. The park is perhaps best known for its unique sandstone mountains, which may make you feel like you have wandered into a mystical landscape from some fairy tale. Thanks to these rock formations, the park is a popular destination for rock climbers who attempt to scale these colossal sandstone pillars. Nature lovers should keep their eyes out for the owl eagle, which are spotted at this park in large numbers.

Bad Schandau Elevator

Nestled in the town of Saxony, the Bad Schandau Elevator is a truss-tower elevator that drives passengers up to an observation deck. Offering serene, panoramic views of the Elbe River and the city of Bad Schandau, the observation tower is a technical monument. Built by Rudolf Sendig, a hotel owner in the city, the tower is linked to a bridge that allows visitors to enter the woods for a stroll. Once at the top, visitors can savor local delicacies served by a few hilltop food stalls. An enclosure housing a lynx is yet another highlight at the top of the tower. A prime attraction of the city, the Bad Schandau Elevator is a treat for both nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts.

Königstein Fortress

The somewhat arduous ascent to Fortress Königstein is well worth the effort. The old fortress sits proudly atop a hill some 240 meters (787 feet) above the River Elbe and rewards visitors with fantastic views of the Sächsische Schweiz. The grounds of the fortress houses Europe's biggest open-air military history museum, a fascinating depiction of the development of warfare and the history of the fortress itself.

La Costa del Elba (Elbwiesen)

El Río Elba serpentea por el corazón de Dresde, pero a diferencia de lo que sucedió en muchas otras ciudades, apenas se construyó sobre las márgenes de este río. En cambio, el río está bordeado a ambos lados por bellísimos parques y es el sitio ideal donde relajarse, salir a caminar o disfrutar de un buen picnic. Junto al río corre un sendero para bicicletas, así que a los visitantes más enérgicos se les recomienda alquilar una bicicleta y apreciar la ciudad desde una perspectiva distinta. En los jardines encontrarán una amplia variedad de eventos y entretenimiento, desde noches de cine y conciertos al aire libre hasta el legendario festival Elbhangfest. Cerca del puente Albertbrücke encontrarán un mercado de pulgas enorme cada sábado de 8 de la mañana hasta las 2 de la tarde.

Großer Garten

Uno de los parques más bellos de Dresde, Großer Garten tiene mucho para ofrecerles a los amantes de la naturaleza y de la arquitectura. Visitar este parque de diseño es como entrar a un mundo mágico de fantasía como los de Disney. Un majestuoso palacio de verano estilo barroco, con todo y su estanque y su residencia para la corte, se deja ver, orgulloso, y se refleja sobre las aguas espejadas del lago. En el entorno encontrarán hileras ordenadas de árboles, una magnífica estatua blanca de estilo barroco, flores coloridas y fuentes. Los distintos senderos que trazan su curso entre enormes árboles centenarios son ideales para un paseo descontracturado, el lago es perfecto para los remeros, y los visitantes menos enérgicos se divertirán recorriendo el predio en el tren miniatura. El parque también cuenta con un zoológico, jardines botánicos y un gran invernadero tropical. Volkswagen ha construido un taller con fachada de cristal para que los visitantes puedan ver con sus propios ojos cómo se fabrica un auto.

Pillnitz Castle

A fascinating mix of natural beauty and architectural brilliance, Pillnitz Castle is one of Dresden's best attractions. Situated in the middle of an idyllic park on the outskirts of the city, the castle - built by Augustus II the Strong in the 18th-century, was used as a summer residence by the Saxon royal family. The main buildings display an intriguing mix of baroque and Far Eastern architectural styles and now house a collection of 13-20th-century arts and crafts, as well as, a castle museum giving you a peek into the life of the royals that once called Pillnitz Castle their home. A visit to the castle would not be complete without a walk through the gardens and The Palm House, which are full of exotic plants and trees, as well as, a host of red squirrels.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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