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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Karlovy Vary

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Vřídelní Kolonáda

Vřídelní Kolonáda is an ancient public bath. Created sometime in the 16th Century, the bath is fed by a hot spring that runs an approximate 30° to 60° F and is known to cure a number of ailments. The original building was built in 1774, and a few additions thereafter over the years and centuries, the final building was built in 1975. Since then, people have been coming here to cure themselves of urinary, skin and digestive problems.


Martin-Luther-Kirche is visited by locals and tourists who come here to offer their prayers as well as admire its beauty. This church is one of the historic structures of the region and is believed to be first constructed in the early 17th Century. Martin-Luther-Kirche was later reconstructed and the present structure dates back to the early 19th Century. This lovely church boasts a Neo-Gothic facade and the interiors are equally beautiful frescoes, stained-glass windows and the 19th-century organ. Besides, regular prayer service, the church also hosts concerts and other cultural events.

Schwarzenberg Castle (Saxony)

Located in the city of Schwarzenberg, the Schwarzenberg Castle is a popular attraction among young families with children and tourists for its rich history and many fun cultural activities. Towering over rest of the town with its imposing turrets, the castle forms a striking postcard perfect picture. Dating back to the 12th Century, it has been remarkably well preserved and its interiors refurbished to form a charming historical palace where visitors can take part in adventure hikes around the castle, creative workshops, fun games and also attend traditional and modern music concerts in the cellar. A museum, a music school and a community college are located in the castle building as well.

Singing Fountain

Set in Mariánské Lázně in Czech Republic, the Singing Fountain is a beautiful sight to see. This fountain is known to play every two hours from seven in the morning. This fountain show also projects colorful light and music. This beautiful fountain was designed by the architect, Pavel Mikšík. With hundreds of nozzles and sprays, this fountain show is spectacular. Other attractions to explore in the area are pomnik Petra Hapky, Kolonáda Maxima Gorkého and Historický meteorologický sloup.

Englische Kirche

Set along Ruska Street in Mariánské Lázně, Englische Kirche is a beautiful church that was built by Rondono’s Mrs. Ann Scott. This church was dedicated to Mrs. Scott’s late husband John Scott. The church’s land was previously owned by Tepel Monastery. This Neo-Gothic style church was designed by the architect, William Burghes. It features a single nave, colored windows, a semi-circular apse and a gabled roof. This historic church is a must-visit for architecture and history buffs in the area.

Hamelika Lookout

Set atop the Hamelika Hill, the Hamelika Lookout was constructed in the year 1876 by Fridrich Zickler, an architect. This 20-meters (65.6 feet) tall tower offers stunning views from its observation deck. Visitors can walk along the steps that lead to the top of the tower and revel in the panoramic views it has to offer. This tower was previously known by names like Engelsberg-Warte and Vyhlídka František Josef. It was reconstructed in the year 2007 and a roof was added to the tower.

0,6 47 8 1 5,7,6 F-TA8 Historical F-TA8|historical|Histórico [["V\u0159\u00eddeln\u00ed Kolon\u00e1da","50.22298885394","12.883620199308","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Vr\u00eddeln\u00ed ulica, Karlovy Vary, 36001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/karlovy-vary\/676355-v\u0159\u00eddeln\u00ed-kolon\u00e1da"],["Martin-Luther-Kirche","50.419428509564","12.972996639692","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bahnhofstra\u00dfe 2, Oberwiesenthal, 09484","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/oberwiesenthal\/954308-martin-luther-kirche"],["Schwarzenberg Castle (Saxony)","50.537358555773","12.786949970664","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Obere Schlo\u00dfstrasse 36, Schwarzenberg, 08340","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/schwarzenberg-de\/888695-schwarzenberg-castle-saxony"],["Singing Fountain","49.976600024915","12.70615993184","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Mari\u00e1nsk\u00e9 L\u00e1zn\u011b, Mari\u00e1nsk\u00e9 L\u00e1zn\u011b, 353 01","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/marianske-lazn\/1399393-singing-fountain"],["Englische Kirche","49.974492911556","12.701774096619","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Rusk\u00e1, Mari\u00e1nsk\u00e9 L\u00e1zn\u011b, 353 01","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/marianske-lazn\/1399404-englische-kirche"],["Hamelika Lookout","49.972071609496","12.709604054729","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Goethovo n\u00e1m., Mari\u00e1nsk\u00e9 L\u00e1zn\u011b, 353 01","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/marianske-lazn\/1399406-hamelika-lookout"]] adayincity 676355,954308,888695,1399393,1399404,1399406 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 47 0 0 0,6 6