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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Karlovy Vary

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Geological Park

Set in Mariánské Lázně in Czech Republic, Geological Park is an interesting place to explore for nature lovers in the area. This 1.5 kilometer (0.9 miles) long trail that runs along the woodlands is the perfect place to explore a range of flora that cover the Slavkovský Forest. Encompassing an area of ten hectares (24.7 acres), this park is set on the hill’s slope. During the warm summer months, nature enthusiasts can hike along this trail and experience the wilderness.

Nature Park Prelate Marienbad

Set on the outskirts of the city of Mariánské Lázně, Nature Park Prelate Marienbad is a beautiful place to visit. This park is named after Prelátův, a spring. It features a leisure park that offers facilities for sports activities like climbing, rope course, swings and a lot more. This park is also home to an amphitheater that is made with wooden logs. Visitors can even hike along the trail that starts here. Set in the midst of lush green trees, this park is the perfect place to explore for adults and children of all ages.

Karlovy Vary

Often called Carlsbad, Karlovy Vary is the famous Bohemian spa town, located about 130 kilometers (81 miles) from Prague. The historic city dates back to late 1300s and is perhaps best known for the several natural springs it is home to. Apart from over 300 springs, the place also boasts of the mystical River Teplá that always remains warm even when the rest of the city is freezing! Thanks to these beautiful hot springs and its unique location, Karlovy Vary offers some of the best panoramas in the Czech Republic, and is therefore, a popular tourist hub.


The Ore Mountains borders the countries of Germany and Czech Republic as it spans across the Free State of Saxony and Bohemia. This mighty range's dominant peak is the Klínovec. Since it is the highest mountain, it offers sweeping views of both the states. It is also a popular skiing area with skiing resorts. There are also trails to walk or hike with colored flags to highlight the paths.


Scheffelsberg or Korec is a forested mountain in the Saxon Erzgebirge (Ore Mountain). It borders the Czech Republic and Germany. During a clear day, the mountaintop gives a stunning view of the nearby surroundings. There is a cross-country ski trail during the winters on its slopes.


Schattenberg (Liščí hora) is a flat peak in the Ore Mountains. This wooded mountain is situated near the Scheffelsberg and the Buchschachtelberg. They form an important crest of the Ore Mountains in this area. It is a popular summit for cross-country skiing in the winters.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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