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Comprising twin concert halls, art gallery and a state-of-the art multimedia center, Mostovna is 'the' place to visit for entertainment. The cultural center hosts a number of local and European artists/ bands on tour, who give out some stellar musical performances for one and all. Apart from concerts, the center also hosts art exhibitions, fashion shows and a plethora of other events that are bound to leave you spell-bounded. With the bands like Agalloch, Tortorum, Blacklodge and Horna have already performed here, you can expect gigs of similar bands at Mostovna.

Zelenci Nature Reserve

Beautiful spring and eponymous nature reserve, Zelenci is housed in the Kranjska Gora township. Nestled in the northwestern terrain of Slovenia, the site receives its water from the Sava Dolinka River, which is Danube’s tributary. The entire site is a natural blessing and is a prized tourist spot. Frequented by tourists and locals, Zelenci is nothing short of a miracle. Zelenci is surrounded by rare flora and fauna species.

Liznjek Farm

The ethnographic museum of Liznjek Farm is located in the Kranjska Gora town of Slovenia. This former 18th-century farmhouse has been renovated into a cultural museum that houses many important artefacts and documents about cultural history. The building is a modest structure made of brick and exhibits the simple architectural elements prevalent during its inception years.

Russian Chapel on the Vršič Pass

The Russian Orthodox memorial chapel has a long-standing history dating back to the 20th Century. Situated in the northwestern terrain of Slovenia, this chapel was built during World War I and was constructed by the Russian prisoners who were stationed in the region for forced labor. At present, post some considerable renovation work, the chapel remains open to the public and exhibits a war memorial as well.

Lake Jasna

Soak in the beauty of nature during your visit to Lake Jasna. Encased within picturesque mountains, the artificial lake features a beautiful statue of a golden horn ibex, Zlatorog, at its entrance. Nestled at the confluence of two artificial lakes, Velika Pišnica and Mala, it is a great spot for a picnic and can also be used as a beautiful backdrop for photoshoots. Those who know how to swim can take a dip in the breathtaking lake.

Il Castello

The angel that stands out from the bell tower of the Castle church with its finger pointing to the underlying city cathedral is the city's sentimental emblem. Udine was the first European city to have a parliament functioning frequently and regularly. It began as early as 1282, and its seat was in this castle. Today, you can look to the top of the hill where it stands and see the castle, part of which dates back to medieval times. Following an earthquake in 1511, part of the castle was rebuilt and the new building was used for residential, administrative and jurisdictional purposes. The Parlamento room stands out among the many rooms of this old manor for its impressive historical architecture. At the end of your visit, stop by the former prison where Silvio Pellico, among others, was held. Entrance is free on Sunday mornings.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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