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Primera clasificación Restaurantes y cafés en Malvern

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Back Burner Restaurant

Back Burner Restaurant offers the perfect ambiance, whether its for an outing with your family or a special someone. The cozy and intimate atmosphere will sure make it an unforgettable experience. Some of the delicacies featured on the menu consists of the signature mushroom soup, bacon wraps, shrimps, crab cakes, duck ravioli, pork Delmonico and lots more on the list. Complement your meals with some of the unique cocktail creations or liquor. Do not make the mistake of missing out on the delectable desserts, no matter how stuffed you are. A great place to plan your special events, hire their catering services too. For reservations and more information, call ahead.


Established in 1981, Valle had humble beginnings as a pizza and sandwich place and today, thanks to its popularity, has grown into one of the city's top Italian restaurants. The restaurant stands within the Pike Creek Shopping Center and offers a diverse menu of Italian specialties ranging from the perpetually favored pizzas and pastas to steaks and beef specialties. Seafood is a strong point here and the crab cakes have been raved about for quite some time now. There's a little selection of kids choices as ell. The wine list is huge and you should have no trouble pairing one with your food. While a meal here will certainly not be cheap, it's worth what you'll get. An excellent place for an honest Italian meal and seafood.

McGlynns Pub

The first of the two acclaimed McGlynns to open in Newark, the pub sits at the site of the historic Drummond Ale House and has seen the changing face of the city since its inception in 1983. Expectedly, it has a special place in the hearts of the locals who've made it their hangout of choice for everything from game days to simply chilling out with friends. On offer is a stunning array of beers (about 50) and other spirits to keep things flowing and an above average menu of American favorites that is hard to resist. The bar area is designed to encourage socialization and is great if you're on your own. Television screens strewn across the pub ensures that you get a glimpse of the game no matter where you're seated. The patio is a popular prospect on non-game days and is a great option to relax in an airier setting. The food at McGlynns has such a following that they also offer catering for occasions. Holding functions at site is also possible Check website for more.

The Fitzwater Cafe

Un gran sitio para el desayuno y el almuerzo ubicado en la intersección de las calles 7 y Pemberton, Fitzwater Café cuenta con un excelente equipo de cocina encabezado por Stacey DiPlacido. El menú está dominado por las mejores preparaciones para un desayuno y un almuerzo suculentos. Un famoso establecimiento BYOB, en el que deberán traer sus propias bebidas alcohólicas para agregar el valor "burbujeante" a su experiencia de brunch, Fitzwater Cafe sirve platillos verdaderamente deliciosos como tostadas francesas con Crème Brulée, burritos de desayuno y omelet con tomate y pesto, además de jugos frescos. El servicio es excelente y los precios bastante justos. La única contra es que no se aceptan tarjetas, así que recuerden traer efectivo.

Brauhaus Schmitz

Brauhaus Schmitz es una creación de Doug y Kelly Hager. Las maravillas creativas alemanas preparadas por Jeremy Nolen son deliciosas y encantadoras. Para el apetito, nada mejor que una buena porción de chucrut, Kroketten, Currywurst y salchichas caseras. Deléitense con platillos como el sándwich de Schnitzel, el Sauerbraten, el Paprikash y los panqués de patata. En el salón de la cerveza encontrarán más de 30 variedades tiradas, 29 de las cuales provienen de Alemania, y 77 embotelladas. Si tienen antojo de comida y cerveza alemana auténtica, entonces han dado en la tecla.

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RAW Sushi & Sake Lounge

Raw Sushi & Sake Lounge es un restaurante de moda de Filadelfia y está ubicado en Midtown Village. El restaurante y lounge contemporáneo los recibe con unas bellísimas lámparas japonesas colgadas del techo de bambú que bañan los sillones de gamuza y los pisos de madera con una luz cálida, y los tonos de rojo, naranja y dorado de las paredes aportan un toque increíble al salón. El bar de cristal parece flotar contra la pared de cerámicos verdes y delimita el elegante espacio del lounge. Cada platillo exhibe la creatividad y el amor por los clásicos de la cocina japonesa, como el tempura de langostinos con cubierta de almendras, el teriyaki de salmón servido con carne o pollo, y el carpaccio de carne Kobe sazonado con aderezo de wasabi y peras asiáticas. El menú de sushi incluye las creaciones propias de Raw así como opciones más tradicionales como el hako de salmón, hecho con salmón, anguila, palta y salsa de ciruelas, servido en un barquillo de bambú, o el roll Kingdom of Eel, que es un roll californiano envuelto en anguila y salpicado con salsa de anguila. El bar de sake cuenta con una lista extensa de sakes exóticos que dejará feliz a todos, desde los grandes conocedores hasta quienes lo prueban por primera vez.

0,6 231 39 1 4,2|106,2|107 F-R5 Catering F-R5|catering|Hostelería [["Back Burner Restaurant","39.786671538025","-75.696636986177","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","425 Hockessin Corner, Hockessin, DE, 19707","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/hockessin\/789656-back-burner-restaurant"],["Vall\u00e9","39.740680459248","-75.691705589596","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","4752 Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE, 19808","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/wilmington-de\/785398-vall\u00e9"],["McGlynns Pub","39.718769212391","-75.710802798515","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Polly Drummond Hill Road, Newark, DE, 19711","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newark-de\/785774-mcglynns-pub"],["The Fitzwater Cafe","39.94067864343","-75.154251664186","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","728 South 7th Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19147","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/871696-the-fitzwater-cafe"],["Brauhaus Schmitz","39.942167624669","-75.154586343455","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","718 South Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19147","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/727241-brauhaus-schmitz"],["RAW Sushi & Sake Lounge","39.94989939881","-75.161532645841","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1225 Sansom Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19107","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/784068-raw-sushi-sake-lounge"]] adayincity 789656,785398,785774,871696,727241,784068 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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