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Chickie's & Pete's

Disfruten su deporte favorito junto con los mejores mariscos. Votado el mejor bar deportivo de Norteamérica, Chickie’s & Pete’s ofrece la definición perfecta de una noche divertida. El menú le aportó un toque de crustáceos a los grandes clásicos, como nachos y el famoso "cheesestake" cubiertos de cangrejo. Prueben las papas fritas con cangrejos y la pista de langosta mientras siguen algún emocionante partido en las pantallas gigantes.

RAW Sushi & Sake Lounge

Raw Sushi & Sake Lounge es un restaurante de moda de Filadelfia y está ubicado en Midtown Village. El restaurante y lounge contemporáneo los recibe con unas bellísimas lámparas japonesas colgadas del techo de bambú que bañan los sillones de gamuza y los pisos de madera con una luz cálida, y los tonos de rojo, naranja y dorado de las paredes aportan un toque increíble al salón. El bar de cristal parece flotar contra la pared de cerámicos verdes y delimita el elegante espacio del lounge. Cada platillo exhibe la creatividad y el amor por los clásicos de la cocina japonesa, como el tempura de langostinos con cubierta de almendras, el teriyaki de salmón servido con carne o pollo, y el carpaccio de carne Kobe sazonado con aderezo de wasabi y peras asiáticas. El menú de sushi incluye las creaciones propias de Raw así como opciones más tradicionales como el hako de salmón, hecho con salmón, anguila, palta y salsa de ciruelas, servido en un barquillo de bambú, o el roll Kingdom of Eel, que es un roll californiano envuelto en anguila y salpicado con salsa de anguila. El bar de sake cuenta con una lista extensa de sakes exóticos que dejará feliz a todos, desde los grandes conocedores hasta quienes lo prueban por primera vez.

Azie on Main

Asian flavors take a global sojourn at this stunning restaurant located in Villanova. The talented chef Kazuyuki Mitsui excels at blending the spirited flavors of the Asian palate with the subtle European flavors while still maintaining the integrity of the dish. With influences ranging from France to Italy, the food here is unlike anything you may have experienced earlier. Sushi is the restaurant's specialty and missing it would be a sin. The drinks menu is diverse and ranges from beer and wine to an excellent selection of sake and other spirits. The contemporary dining room is an extremely classy affair with contemporary touches ranging from the textured walls to the beautiful lanterns and thoughtful lighting choices to enhance them. The beautifully laid out outdoor area presents a slightly more casual, yet elegant option for dining. The place to be for a contemporary Asian meal.

Reservar Una Mesa
Grindcore House

At Grindcore House you will find some of the best breakfast, lunch as well as dinner specials. The cafe is very popular because of their unique offering of vegan, vegetarian and organic dishes and hence enjoys a loyal patronage. They offer a plethora of non-dairy creamers and their sandwiches and pastries are made without meat, eggs or milk. Here, creativity oozes from their decor and settles only on your plate. A perfect spot to pick up a sandwich to go but also ideal for a sit-down lunch with friends and family, Grindcore House is a heaven for those with dietary preferences.

Coventry Deli

Coventry Deli is perfect for a delicious pre-work breakfast and features an extensive menu with staples like deliciously fluffy omelets, pancakes, bagels and grills. Kick start your day with a hearty meal. Close to plenty of businesses in the city centre, it's perfect for an on-the-go lunch option too, with a wonderful selection of freshly prepared sandwiches, hoagies or submarine sandwiches, hamburgers and salads. Each item is made to order for a truly great experience. With a daily special of hot entrées, you'll have a lot to choose from.

Kanella Grill

Kanella Grill all but transports you to the Mediterranean. This restaurant has several Greek and Middle Eastern influences that are quite evident in their delicious dips of the day as well as other lovely dishes such as fisherman's stew and Kanella platter. Head chef Konstantinos Pitsillides has really put a lot of thought into the menu and makes use of quality ingredients infused with great flavors. One would expect just great mains from such a restaurant, but finish off with a pistachio creme brulee and that assumption will be broken. The service is friendly and helpful, and diners have a choice to sit inside or lounge in the outdoor area.

Reservar Una Mesa
0,6 138 23 1 4,2|106,2|107 F-R37 WiFi F-R37|wifi|Wi-Fi [["Chickie's & Pete's","39.91171181116","-75.174653439237","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1526 Packer Avenue, Filadelfia, PA, 19145","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/862713-chickie-s-pete-s"],["RAW Sushi & Sake Lounge","39.94989939881","-75.161532645841","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1225 Sansom Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19107","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/784068-raw-sushi-sake-lounge"],["Azie on Main","40.037735631536","-75.351541678362","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","789 East Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA, 19085","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/villanova-pa\/785956-azie-on-main"],["Grindcore House","39.929098057692","-75.151943060247","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1515 South 4th Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19148","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/748433-grindcore-house"],["Coventry Deli","39.953249606598","-75.173628910861","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","2000 Market Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19103","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/871573-coventry-deli"],["Kanella Grill","39.946238417415","-75.15800826823","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","1001 Spruce Street, Filadelfia, PA, 19107","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/philadelphia-pa\/832040-kanella-grill"]] adayincity 862713,784068,785956,748433,871573,832040 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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