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Primera clasificación Restaurantes y cafés en Munich

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Hirschgarten was originally a game enclosure built by the Elector Karl Theodor at the end of the eighteenth century. A small part of the historic enclosure has been preserved and can be seen from the beer garden. With 8,000 seats, the beer garden is the biggest in the city, and is also one of the most pleasant because of its peaceful location and numerous chestnut trees. It was converted from a hunting house to a restaurant in 1970, when the garden was also built.


Augustinerkeller es el último jardín de la cerveza tradicional que queda en el centro de la ciudad que todavía sirve grandes chops de exquisita cerveza. Gracias a una ley antigua que data de los tiempos en los que Baviera tenía una monarquía, los huéspedes están autorizados a traer su propia comida. Sin embargo, no será necesario que lo hagan ya que las creaciones tradicionales que salen de la cocina se venden a muy buen precio y son deliciosas. Tanto estudiantes, como empresarios, locales y turistas piensan que este espacio es inigualable. La cerveza, según se dice, es la mejor de Múnich. Visiten el sitio web para más información.


Este pub famoso atrae gente de todo el mundo. Su encanto único proviene de la música bávara y su arquitectura notable, prueba de la naturaleza histórica del establecimiento. La cerveza y el schmankerl completan la oferta de este alegre salón cervecero. En verano, los locales eligen sentarse en las mesas del bellísimo patio, mientras que la sala Festsaal ofrece noches bávaras con música a tan solo algunos euros por persona. La gran variedad de platillos y cervezas son la combinación ideal para una salida entre amigos. Con una historia que se remonta hasta el siglo XVI, el pub llegó a convertirse en un emblema de la ciudad. Ningún viaje a Múnich estará completo sin una visita a Hofbräuhaus.


Housed in the basement of the gothic Town Hall building in the heart of Munich, Ratskeller is a good place to stop by for a sumptuous lunch or a leisurely romantic dinner. The menu is solely inspired by traditional Bavarian cuisine, so you can sample some really great local dishes which are interspersed on the lengthy menu. If you're a first-timer then go for the Ratskeller Potatosoup, Nuremberg Style Bratwurst, Scweinebraten, Entenbraten or Beef Goulasch. Pair the food with German beer and wine, and round it off with a helping of something sweet. The cellar's arched ceilings and woodwork add to the charming ambiance as do the sounds of soft Bavarian melodies.

Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus

Loacted inside the Scholastikahaus which is a heritage building, the Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus is a popular restaurant that is known mostly for the pork knuckles. This dish is crispy and chunky- a pleasure for the taste-buds. Down them with copious amounts of beer and wine for a great meal. The restaurant is also the perfect place to hold meetings and occasional events can be seen conducted here. Apart from the pork knuckles, the Isar Salad and Potato Pancake with Smoked Salmon are other good options to try out.

Ned Kelly's

A bar dedicated to honoring the dubious legacy of the Irish-Australian bushranger by the same name, Ned Kelly's offers you the kind of drinking experience you would get Down Under. This is the place to settle down to watch rugby with a Victoria Bitter in hand, all the while munching on typically Australian dishes like the Kangaroo steak, Lamb stew and Bread and Butter pudding. Karaoke Thursdays are especially entertaining; the sight of patrons going up on stage to sing their favorite songs is a treat to watch. If you're in the mood for some real live music, you should consider popping into Kilians Irish Pub next door.

0,6 1131 189 1 4,2|106,2|107 [["Hirschgarten","48.148602346399","11.512587789475","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Hirschgarten 1, Munich, 80639","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/276093-hirschgarten"],["Augustinerkeller","48.143524100751","11.55140887717","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Arnulfstrasse 52, Munich, 80335","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/274668-augustinerkeller"],["Hofbr\u00e4uhaus","48.13764672297","11.579906987708","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Platzl 9, Munich, 80331","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/26245-hofbr\u00e4uhaus"],["Ratskeller","48.137800402227","11.575955723273","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Marienplatz 8, Munich, 80331","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/596327-ratskeller"],["Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus","48.137602326741","11.578621204597","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Sparkassenstra\u00dfe 10, Munich, 80331","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/705442-haxnbauer-im-scholastikahaus"],["Ned Kelly's","48.138678081535","11.574631520348","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Frauenplatz 11, Munich, 80331","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/munich\/791779-ned-kelly-s"]] adayincity 276093,274668,26245,596327,705442,791779 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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