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Vida nocturna



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Clubes Nocturnos
Bar De Vino
Bar Deportivo
Antro (bar Tugurio)
Bar Temático

Después del trabajo (Happy Hour)
Perfecto para grupos
Espacio al aire libre
Música en vivo
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Primera clasificación Vida nocturna en Newcastle upon Tyne

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)
World Headquarters

From live music concerts to DJ nights and theme nights, no matter what you are looking for you will find it at World Headquarters. Good music, right ambience and the energetic crowd makes World Headquarters a must visit for all the party lovers while in the city. Wear your dancing shoes and head straight to World Headquarters for a happening night full of fun and music.

Strawberry Pub

Este pub realmente refleja la devoción local por los colores blanco y negro, ya que cuenta con fotos de futbolistas actuales y pasados del Newcastle. El bar es muy concurrido en los días de partido, pero goza de un gran ambiente para disfrutar mientras se espera un lugar en la barra. La variedad y la calidad de la cerveza es buena, y la calidad de las comidas es excelente. El nombre del pub se debe a que anteriormente el lugar fue un convento de monjas, en el que ellas plantaban frutillas, y ganaban dinero con la venta de vino de fresa a los viajeros. El convento cerró en 1840, y toda señal de que aquello fue un huerto desapareció hace tiempo, aunque el nombre sigue vivo. Para más detalles y horarios, comunicarse telefónicamente.


Possibly the most futuristic watering-hole in the city. Gleaming chrome and glass are the main features of this superbly designed (although some have said over-designed) multi-million pound bar. Ultra-modern and very shiny, with bar and restaurant on different levels, Bar Pacific was custom built in 1997. Cocktails are on offer as well as the usual range of beers and spirits, and the cafe serves excellent food, although is perhaps a little pricey. The service is with a twist as each table features a pager, which you can use to summon someone to serve you! As you would expect it gets busy at the weekends so prepare to queue, but once inside keep an eye out for the many local celebrities who can be spotted hanging out there.

Pitcher & Piano

La pared que da al sur de este enorme y moderno edificio de arquitectura espléndida está hecho completamente de vidrio y permite a los comensales apreciar una de las mejores vistas de Tyneside. Situado en el lado este de Quayside, Pitcher & Piano se encuentra al otro lado del río del Céntro del Báltico para el Arte Contemporáneo, y en el extremo norte del espectacular Puente del Milenio de Gateshead. Además, tiene vista panorámica de los otros puentes del río Tyne. El bar sirve comida deliciosa y el clásico plato de los domingos, junto con una excelente selección de vinos y cócteles. Si así lo desea, puede alquilar una parte para fiestas privadas.

The Union Rooms

This pub occupies a refurbished listed building that has many interesting features inside, including a magnificent staircase, and some impressive stained glass. Add to these attributes the fact that this is the cheapest pub in the city center, and you will understand why it is usually full - in fact on weekend nights expect to have to queue to get in. The food is also excellent and Sunday lunch is particularly recommended.

The Cluny

They say you should do what you are best at. Well, the Cluny seems to be best at everything, and manages to juggle the separate skills of being a cafe/bar, a live music venue, and a visual arts exhibition space with great aplomb, and without any of these things detracting from the others. Situated on the edge of the city center, it is not the easiest place for non-locals to find, but it is worth taking a street atlas and making the effort. If it just a drink or a meal you want you will find the place cool and uncluttered, with a good selection of wines and beers, including some ales from the local Mordue brewery. The menu is varied and contemporary, and not too expensive. As a venue for bands it is attracting top local names, and a sprinkling of nationally known artistes as well.

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2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Más Vida nocturna

2,3 162 0 0 0,6 6