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Bagno Castelreggio

Bagno Castelreggio is the pride and one of the major attractions of Duino-Aurisina. Local and international tourists visit this beach throughout the year making it one of the busiest beaches in the region. Whether to splash in the refreshing water or simply laze around watching the world go by, visiting Castelreggio while in the city is a must.

Duino Castle

Duino Castle is located close to Trieste, Italy. The castle was erected in the 14th Century overlooking the Gulf of Trieste over the remains of an 11th-century castle. It was occupied by Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and his wife Princess Marie in the 19th Century and is known to be the venue where the renowned poet Rainer Maria Rilke penned his best work titled Duino Elegies. The castle is now owned by the descendant of Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and operates as a park and exhibition center.

Duino Bowling

Duino Bowling is a very easy going place, perfect for groups who want to have fun bowling together. Apart from bowling, you can also spend time playing pool, video games and more. There is a restaurant and a pizzeria on-site, so you can choose to eat something during breaks between games. Duino Bowling also proposes excursions for groups or students, unforgettable birthday parties, and caters for weddings and celebrations. The outside pools are refreshing on those hot days.

Museo della Comunità Ebraica di Trieste Carlo e Vera Wagner

The Jewish community of Trieste has a long established cultural tradition. Throughout the Centuries, many of the most famous cultural exponents of the city came from the Jewish community. This small, but important museum traces their history and their work. The collection is made up of ritual objects, silver and materials. Guided visits out of hours are possible on request.

Civico Museo di Storia Naturale

The first section of the Civico Museo di Storia Naturale includes material which is open for public display and there is also a section reserved for students and specialists. The botanic collection has around 30 herbs and other material from the region and the rest of the country. There is a large zoological section, with an entire room devoted to coral and mother pearl. There is also marine life, amphibians and reptiles from all over the world and a section for marine mammals called "Giants of the Sea." In addition, there is a rich paleontological and mineral collection, with the reptile Carsosaurus as one of the oldest fossils and some remains of a carnivorous dinosaur found in Duino, between Carso and the sea. There is also an area dedicated to prehistoric man and human anatomy, with a man's brain from Mompaderno being of particular interest.

Le Ginestre

Le Ginestre is a 230 meters (754 feet) long beach that can be classified into four areas, each with different characteristics. They are named, West Beach which is characterized by long pines that offer shade, Central Area that has a bar with sunbeds topped by umbrellas at the central pitch, Central Beach which has cabins and the East Beach, which has 26 seasonal rental sheds.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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