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Primera clasificación Compras en Praga

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Country Life

Located in a 14th-century building, this excellent vegetarian restaurant stays packed from all day. The cafeteria-style set-up features a huge salad bar, soups and a selection of main courses which change daily. Popular with students, grandmas, business people and everyone in between, the restaurant also serves a wide range of fruit juices and teas. A large bakery flanks the main restaurant. Perfect for the quick snack or long drawn out afternoon meal, it is only a short walk from both Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square.

Bakeshop Praha

This bakery stands two blocks from Staromestske Namesti (Old Town Square). It offers fresh bread, cheesecake, brownies and croissants as well as sandwiches and side dishes. Many consider the desserts on offer here to be among the best in Prague. This could well be because everything is made fresh on the premises and from natural ingredients.

The Golden Lane

This is an alley of miniature 16th-century cottages in a variety of colors built originally for the Palace Guard. However, by the 19th Century the lane had become home to artists and craftsmen, and then in the early part of the 20th Century, several well-known personalities came to live here. No. 22 is where Franz Kafka's sister lived and for a time in 1917, Kafka himself used the premises to write some of his stories. In 1951, the Communists threw out the residents and turned the lane into a souvenir street for tourists. Running along the roofs above the shops is a gallery containing an exhibition of armor and period costumes (entry from no 24). Chalk this one up as a must see when visiting Prague.

Havel's Street Market

In the heart of the Old Town, around 100 meters from Old Town Square, stands the Havel's Street Market. Here, traders sell art, fruit, vegetables, jewelry, toys and anything else small enough to pack on to their open-air wooden stands. On either side of the street are shops that sell virtually everything else, including a herbal store that sells herbs and teas. If you wish to buy souvenirs for your loved ones back home, you will be presented with a plethora of options at the Havel's Street Market.


The flagship outlet of this international shoe company sells more than just shoes. Umbrellas, suitcases, sandals, or a belt can be found to go with your new shoes. Of course they also stock men's, women's, children's and sports shoes of the latest styles along with a smattering of clothes. As always with a Bata store, the selection is large and contemporary. Whether you are hunting for season shoes or something for your health regime, be sure to find them here.

Vion by Wilvorst

Ésta tienda diseñada con gusto tiene un surtido exclusivo de etiquetas de marcas alemanas: Joop, Marco Polo y Rene Lezard. La decoración interior es tan refinada como la ropa que vende, un piso de piedra y paredes blancas curvadas con estantes cortos. La sección de zapatos al fondo de la tienda, es un gran espacio con un sofá y dos sillones como pieza central. Los zapatos se exhiben en estantes en las paredes opuestas y parecen secundarios a los muebles. Hay una mezcla de prendas de negocios y deportivas, para hombres y mujeres. Trajes grises y pizarra cuelgan cerca de las camisas y los abrigos. En la sección de mujeres hay prendas de lana, seda y algodón.

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8 0 0 0 10 0

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