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Primera clasificación Restaurantes y cafés en Praga

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Country Life

Located in a 14th-century building, this excellent vegetarian restaurant stays packed from all day. The cafeteria-style set-up features a huge salad bar, soups and a selection of main courses which change daily. Popular with students, grandmas, business people and everyone in between, the restaurant also serves a wide range of fruit juices and teas. A large bakery flanks the main restaurant. Perfect for the quick snack or long drawn out afternoon meal, it is only a short walk from both Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square.

Bakeshop Praha

This bakery stands two blocks from Staromestske Namesti (Old Town Square). It offers fresh bread, cheesecake, brownies and croissants as well as sandwiches and side dishes. Many consider the desserts on offer here to be among the best in Prague. This could well be because everything is made fresh on the premises and from natural ingredients.

U Maleho Glena

Un lugar muy frecuentado, cuyo servicio es mejor que el promedio general y tiene un muy bien ambiente. Si quiere algo más sustancioso, pruebe el kebab de pollo. Los amantes del jazz disfrutan mientras el pequeño sótano se llena cada noche con jazz local. Frecuentado por personas que quieren relajarse y charlar, tal vez éste sea el único lugar abierto hasta altas horas de la noche.

U Modré růže

Although this immaculate 15th-century cellar restaurant is nominally Czech, the chef has diverted into continental territory. Soft lighting accompanies you down, down, down to an intimate space covered in stone-vaulted ceilings. The turtle soup is a local favorite as is the escargot in the starters department. Although straightforward beef, chicken and pork dishes are available, someone in your party must try an alligator or ostrich steak! The place tends to be quiet and usually has most guests speaking in hushed tones. There is an impressively wide selection of Moravian wines on offer.

ADA Restaurant

Located in the classy Hotel Hoffmeister, ADA Restaurant proves to be a similarly luxurious dining option. The dishes served range from classic Czech cuisine to fine French-influenced dining. Whether you're eating at a table in the elegantly decorated restaurant or in the garden outdoors, the experience will certainly add to your memories of Prague.

Rybi Trh

Escape the tourist onslaught of Old Town Square, pop into the quieter Tyn Square and head down a narrow passage where you will find this restaurant hiding unassumingly in the corner. Once inside, inspect the fresh catches of the day which have been flown in (pike perch, eel and salmon, to name a few) before taking a seat in the sleek, cavernous interior. For starters, dive into sea snails in garlic butter before choosing one of the freshwater or saltwater seafood options. In the warmer months, you can enjoy a pleasant, relaxing lunch outside under the twin towers of the Church of Our Lady before Tyn. According to The New York Times, this place offers "the freshest fish in Central Europe".

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4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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