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Primera clasificación Restaurantes y cafés en Zurich

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Located near the magnificent lake in the heart of Zurich, Pavillon welcomes guests to its stunning glass-walled gazebo, designed by famed architect Pierre-Yves Rochon. While the contemporary interiors exude exceptional class and style, the cuisine at Pavillon is every bit worthy of the two Michelin stars bestowed on it. Chef Laurent Eperon puts together a fantastic haute cuisine menu featuring creatively crafted specialties and flavorful wines from around the world. The seasonal dishes include Beef Fillet, European zander, homemade ice creams and sorbets.


A unique, vegetarian snack bar, Tidbits has won many hearts across Europe, and its Seefeldstrasse location is no different. A clean and modern space with an emphasis on fresh and healthy food, this restaurant calls out to many. A buffet with a generous assortment of healthy breakfast specials, vegetarian lunch delights, and refreshing juices and shakes to complement light meals awaits you at this restaurant. With a self-serve concept, Tidbits is extremely well-received because of the selection of options available. The place has ample seating spaces, but if you wish, you can also take out your order and enjoy it in the comforts of your home or hotel.

Le Dézaley

Located in the old town of Zürich beside the Grossmünster, Le Dézaley is an incredibly arresting restaurant that opened its door in 1902. With stark walls washed in white, charming decor and a laid-back vibe, this restaurant promises comfort and good times. On offer here are native Swiss specialties and international / European dishes. A must-try dish, the cheese fondue has had a trail of satisfied customers for many years. It is also worth trying one of the superior Swiss wines from the French part of the country. Drop in to be enveloped in exceptional hospitality and delectable cuisine.

Jules Verne Panoramabar

This bar offers visitors one of the few opportunities for getting a bird's eye view of the city by night. The Jules Verne Panoramabar is on the eleventh floor and once you've reached the top, you can see the entire city. The bar is actually part of the Lipp Brasserie on the ground floor and the elevator can be found here. The decor at the top is not spectacular and not necessarily suitable for an intimate dinner for two - but who cares when you can enjoy the view over a drink?

Confiserie Sprüngli

El aroma que sale de una panadería siempre es tentador, y esta panadería histórica en la ciudad no es la excepción. Camina hacia el Sprüngli - una tienda de 1836, la cual aún conserva su ambiente de viejo mundo - para darle un vistazo a todo lo que exhibe. Las seductoras trufas, los jugosos pasteles, los alfajores crujientes, las frutas de mazapán, y los chocolates con rellenos pecaminosos de nuez, leche y alcohol que son exhibidos pueden inducir a cualquier que se dice ser un adicto al chocolate a entregarse al deseo. O, prueba el mousse de chocolate que se vende enpaquetado en una caja de hielo. Toma una caja de dulces para un amigo, y asegúrate de pasar por unos chocolates Lindt también; son la especialidad de la casa. Para obtener un sentimiento más íntimo del lugar, sube las escaleras a su Café Boulevard en verano, donde puedes tener deliciosos desayunos y comidas a precios fijos.


El Kaufleuten (literalmente 'vendedores') es el mejor punto de la gente rica y bella de Zurich. La admisión para esta mezcolanza de bar de salón, restaurante y discoteca inevitablemente ameritará hacer fila. Su pista de baile tiene un fuerte énfasis teatral y crea un tipo de atmósfera tipo 'Titanic'. La admisión a la galería afiliada es limitada para aquellos que tengan una tarjeta de miembro especial, la cual es muy difícil adquirir. Si casualmente acercas un banco, (un taburete de madera más cómodo) hacer una reservación es una buena idea. El salón se caracteriza por tener un encantador hervidor de cobre lleno de agua; las velas y las rosas flotando en éste con ambientales y agradables, acomodadas sin un orden en particular, mientras que el acuario cercano crea una apariencia de los setentas. Por todo el Kaufleuten parece haber un tema en común - 'ver y ser visto'. Hay diferentes horarios de apertura para las diferentes partes de este establecimiento.

0,6 549 92 1 4,2|106,2|107 [["Pavillon","47.367180894025","8.539295453194","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Talstrasse 18, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/1093635-pavillon"],["Tibits","47.364988403302","8.5479552792879","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Seefeldstrasse 2, Zurich, 8008","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/866878-tibits"],["Le D\u00e9zaley","47.370626724462","8.5439015620155","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","R\u00f6mergasse 7\/9, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/133253-le-d\u00e9zaley"],["Jules Verne Panoramabar","47.374335517181","8.5393577786702","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Uraniastrasse 9, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/214732-jules-verne-panoramabar"],["Confiserie Spr\u00fcngli","47.369390460222","8.5391357975221","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Bahnhofstrasse 21, Zurich, 8022","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/115584-confiserie-spr\u00fcngli"],["Kaufleuten","47.371654667932","8.536577891678","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Pelikanstrasse 18, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/134306-kaufleuten"]] adayincity 1093635,866878,133253,214732,115584,134306 6 0 1 Restaurants & Cafes
4,2 0 0 0 10 0

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