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Clubes Nocturnos
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Primera clasificación Vida nocturna en Zurich

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)

A bar or pub's ambience dictates what it is, and this one is unmatched in providing the best selection of beverages, music, and entertainment. For delicious and inventive home-made cocktails that will give your evening a terrific twist, visit Raygrodski, a swanky neighbourhood bar in District 4 of the city of Zürich. Weekends tend to be crowded, so you might want to get here a bit earlier if you don't wish to shout out orders over other bar-goers. If you come here on a far less busy weekday, you might be able to appreciate the simple décor and the elegantly long bar counter. Drink away your worries with various vodka-infused cocktails or indulge in Raygrodski's Hot Russian, which comes delightfully lit up atop a passion fruit.

Jules Verne Panoramabar

This bar offers visitors one of the few opportunities for getting a bird's eye view of the city by night. The Jules Verne Panoramabar is on the eleventh floor and once you've reached the top, you can see the entire city. The bar is actually part of the Lipp Brasserie on the ground floor and the elevator can be found here. The decor at the top is not spectacular and not necessarily suitable for an intimate dinner for two - but who cares when you can enjoy the view over a drink?


Tired after touring the scenic and picturesque locations in Zurich city? Relax at the ONYX Bar, located in the Park Hyatt Zurich. One of those places that, no matter how many times you visit, will inevitably win your heart. True to its name, onyx stone is generously used in the decor. It serves the affluent, ultra-hip clientele in the area. Watch the changing facades of the city through the glass walls. Sip on the wide range of cocktails offered or simply enjoy a glass of vodka. Elegant and classy settings truly add to the pleasant experience.


If you want to have a fun-filled night out, the Hive Club on Geroldstrasse Street is where you should be headed. With upbeat techno and house music as well as eclectic dance tunes, it’s easy to let your hair down and dance the night away. The crowd is young and cheerful and adds to the lively atmosphere. Keep a look out for their live music events and dive into the vibrant, buzzing place.


At Exil you can check out everything from local punk bands to underground legends of electronic music. This place is hip, and can get really crowded when some of the best bands come to town, so sometimes its worth it to show up early and grab your drink and find yourself a spot up by the stage. With an enthralling look and feel, Exil invites you to an evening worth remembering.


El Kaufleuten (literalmente 'vendedores') es el mejor punto de la gente rica y bella de Zurich. La admisión para esta mezcolanza de bar de salón, restaurante y discoteca inevitablemente ameritará hacer fila. Su pista de baile tiene un fuerte énfasis teatral y crea un tipo de atmósfera tipo 'Titanic'. La admisión a la galería afiliada es limitada para aquellos que tengan una tarjeta de miembro especial, la cual es muy difícil adquirir. Si casualmente acercas un banco, (un taburete de madera más cómodo) hacer una reservación es una buena idea. El salón se caracteriza por tener un encantador hervidor de cobre lleno de agua; las velas y las rosas flotando en éste con ambientales y agradables, acomodadas sin un orden en particular, mientras que el acuario cercano crea una apariencia de los setentas. Por todo el Kaufleuten parece haber un tema en común - 'ver y ser visto'. Hay diferentes horarios de apertura para las diferentes partes de este establecimiento.

0,6 263 44 1 2|104,2|105,3 [["Raygrodski","47.374707762491","8.5168062015781","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Sihlfeldstrasse 49, Zurich, 8003","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/1124100-raygrodski"],["Jules Verne Panoramabar","47.374335517181","8.5393577786702","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Uraniastrasse 9, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/214732-jules-verne-panoramabar"],["ONYX Bar","47.366596912851","8.5362099152364","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Beethovenstrasse 21, Zurich, 8002","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/374815-onyx-bar"],["Hive","47.385349197218","8.5204697442941","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Geroldstrasse 5, Zurich, 8005","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/388983-hive"],["Exil","47.388221291764","8.5194716829017","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Hardstrasse 245, Zurich, 8005","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/586056-exil"],["Kaufleuten","47.371654667932","8.536577891678","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Pelikanstrasse 18, Zurich, 8001","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/zurich\/134306-kaufleuten"]] adayincity 1124100,214732,374815,388983,586056,134306 6 0 1 Nightlife
2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Más Vida nocturna

2,3 263 0 0 0,6 6