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Plus appréciés Shopping à Budapest

Chercher Sur Un Rayon (miles)

This is one of the city's most popular patisseries if the lines out the door are anything to go by. Daubner has been crafting some of the best desserts, confectionery and chocolates for over a hundred years as the lucky few tourists who discover this hidden gem soon discover. Choose from an extensive variety of decadent fruit tarts, rich cakes, classic strudels, buttery biscuits and their signature savory bread - pogácsa - in flavors like cheese, potato and pumpkin. Make a trip here to sample their time-tested original recipes and delicious baked goods; you won't regret it!

Vaci utca

Cette magnifique rue piétonne va de Vorosmarty ter jusqu'à la Vamhaz korut et le beau marché couvert. EIle se divise près du point Elizabeth (là où il y a un passage souterrain) - il s'agit du point où la section piétone se terminait, une deuxième section a été construite il y a quelques années. Alors que la première section est animée et populaire, la nouvelle section a plus de charme et d'authenticité. Ensemble, elles forment un tout véritablement européen : des dizaines de cafés, de beaux magasins, des boutiques et des éléments d'architecture véritablement étonnants. N'oubliez pas de regarder les façades en vous promenant à Vaci utca, car certaines sont vraiment étonnantes.

Halles centrales de Budapest

Les Halles centrales de Budapest sont incontestablement le plus beau marché du pays, voire d’Europe. Ouvert en 1897, ce bâtiment conçu par Samu Pecz a subi de profonds travaux de rénovation et rouvert ses portes à l’occasion de son centenaire en 1997. Espace immense et aéré regorgeant de piles brillantes de nourriture, le niveau supérieur est rempli de dizaines de stands de souvenirs et de broderies folkloriques, avec également une cafétéria agréable et des stands de bière et d’alimentation. Au sous-sol, vous trouverez du poisson, des marinades (savanyusag) et un magasin d’aliments internationaux. Fait important, les bouchers et marchands de fruits et légumes commencent à ranger leurs produits presque une heure avant la fermeture.


Cette librairie est assez petite mais propose une bonne variété de fiction britannique de qualité. C'est aussi l'endroit idéal si vous envisagez de continuer à voyager, avec des guides comme Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Time Out, Everyman et encore d'autres sur d'autres destinations assez obscures. Il y a aussi des livres de cuisine, des livres pour enfants et des magazines britanniques. Le seul inconvénient est que les prix pratiqués sont relativement élevés. On peut commander hors taxe des livres des États-Unis ou du Royaume-Uni mais les délais de livraison sont de l'ordre d'un mois ou deux. Ouvert le dimanche.


Stocking an exuberant collection of modern and vintage styles, Szputnyik is a modish addition to the city's already vibrant shopping scene. With its focus on timeless fashion, its owners have meticulously sourced the merchandise which remains an eclectic blend of brand new outfits and retro wear that never fail on the style quotient. Be it the clothes or the trendy accessories, each item is individually picked from various corners of the world. What sets its collection apart is the fact it the pieces belong to various eras, starting from the early years of the 20th Century till today. Dainty headpieces, chic blazers, stilettos and sunglasses are a part of its exciting selection. Apart from shopping addicts, Szputnyik also remains a haven for collectors and fashion experts.


For a city as whimsical as Budapest, it is hard to ignore its rich historical character. It is widely known for its ornate enclosed courtyards dating back to the 19th and the 20th centuries. Paloma is one such example of an ancient yard which has been wonderfully re-imagined by a bunch of talented art and history lovers. This remodeled hideout aesthetically captures the essence of the age-old Kossuth Lajos shopping street. Home to nearly 40 emerging designers and a host of art galleries, Paloma also embraces the older establishments that have been a part of this venue since the 90s. Home decor stores, florists, textile shops and jewelry boutiques occupy its charming premises, while it also offers well-furnished spaces for workshops, conferences and other small-scale events.

0,6 136 23 1 8 [["Daubner","47.528527037694","19.032011348633","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Sz\u00e9pv\u00f6lgyi \u00fataca 50, Budapest, 1025","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/958666-daubner"],["Vaci utca","47.491927469027","19.053770623782","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Vaci Utca, Budapest, 1052","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/154706-vaci-utca"],["Halles centrales de Budapest","47.487084864905","19.058490284498","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","V\u00e1mh\u00e1z K\u00f6r\u00fat 1-3, Budapest, 1093","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/160169-halles-centrales-de-budapest"],["Bestsellers","47.500936488542","19.050936095276","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Oktober 6 utca 11, Budapest, 1051","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/154709-bestsellers"],["Szputnyik","47.495472337206","19.062417643271","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Doh\u00e1ny utca 20, Budapest, 1074","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/958662-szputnyik"],["Paloma","47.493942374832","19.057928501439","https:\/\/\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Kossuth Lajos utca 14, Budapest, 1053","https:\/\/\/fr\/budapest\/958658-paloma"]] adayincity 958666,154706,160169,154709,958662,958658 6 0 1 Shopping
8 0 0 0 10 0

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8 136 0 0 0,6 6