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Plus appréciés Vie nocturne à Budapest

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Boutiq Bar

Formerly known as the Mini Bar, the Boutiq' Bar is as stylish as they come. It is located in the heart of Budapest city and is home to weekend revelers, alluring them with their wonderful array of spirits and cocktails. The spirits menu includes an extensive range of alcohol such as scotch, rum, gin, vodka, cognac, vermouth, wines and champagnes. For those with more experimental tastes, try the native Pálinka, a fruit brandy known to pack quite a punch. This award-winning cocktail bar has a well-categorized menu of cocktails, covering classics like cosmopolitans and daiquiris with a unique twist. Boutiq' also encourages its patrons to request a particular cocktail they might not find on the menu, and in true gourmet style they will serve you one.

Szimpla Kert

Underground bars may feel claustrophobic to some and the Szimpla Kert can give that feeling, if you like open spaces. However, this bar is a nice place to relax and unwind. During the summer it also features an outdoor cinema in its courtyard, from which you get a taste of local culture through its cinema. At night, the venue turns into the most happening nightclub of the city. An eclectic mix-n-match decor with psychedelic undertones offers a contemporary space fit for the young and fashionable.


Looking out for a new and unique place to groove and let your hair down? Then A38 is the spot you should head to. Launched in the year 2003, it is a night club which has been built on a ship and is today the most hip club in the country. Named after the huge vessel, it was steered from Ukraine to the magical Hungarian capital and dates back to the year 1938. With international music to awaken your mind, it would be difficult for you to stop swinging as you enjoy your cruise on the Danube. That's not all. This four-story house of revelry has a club, a roof terrace, a lounge and a restaurant, apart from doubling up as a thriving cultural spot. Gear up with a variety of beers and cocktails and dance to the beats of famous DJ Krush, even as you experience a new flavor of Budapest nightlife.


Kiosk is the place to be for cocktail connoisseurs and gastronomes. This is a restaurant and bar situated in a historic mansion overlooking a charming square, and has a sun terrace with breathtaking views of River Danube. The interiors feature a high ceiling, wood-decked flooring and a large square bar counter in the center. During the day, Kiosk is a place for families with children and pets to gather, while it transforms into a lively bar by night. The experienced bartenders create unusual cocktails with fruity and floral notes. Enjoy gourmet burgers stuffed with caramelized onions and Foie gras, along with a Pisco Sour or Apple Strudel cocktail. Kiosk also serves macaroons and pastries baked using recipes from diverse countries. Guests can even opt for lactose-free, gluten-free and vegetarian dishes. Head here during the DJ night or family brunch for the best experience.


Located across Akácfa street, the Fogasház is a popular nightspot-cum-entertainment venue. During the day, it is a thriving art hub that welcomes performers and stages concerts, drama and other gigs. It also has its own art gallery that gives amateur artists a chance to display their collections. As the evening sets in, Fogasház transforms into cool pub complete with a DJ. For more details, call ahead.

Akvárium Klub

One of Budapest's most vibrant entertainment and cultural venues, the Akvárium Klub hosts some of the best new and established musical talent. The club features multiple performance venues and halls - KisHall, NagyHall, VOLT music bar and the Terasz - each with its own individual character, ensuring there is something for everyone. The club's in-house restaurant, the Aqua Bistro is ideal for a family brunch or casual dinner, while the Volt bar is perfect for after-hours drinks. Dance lessons, painting classes, wine appreciation courses are just some of the engaging activities you can find on their events calender. The Akvárium Klub is a true cultural hub for all ages.

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2,3 0 0 0 10 0

Plus Vie nocturne

2,3 176 0 0 0,6 6