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Delightful Virtual Excursions Across the Globe

da: Cityseeker
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While it is certainly rewarding to explore spellbinding locales and landmarks in person, it may not always be possible to do so. Even through it may be through a screen, here are some tourist attractions all over the world such as Buckingham Palace, Van Gogh Museum and the Waitomo Glowworm Caves which have chosen to cater to their visitors through a virtual portal to facilitate wider access. Moreover, you can also treat yourself to the splendid sights of cities like Venice and Jerusalem from the comfort of your home.

Cascate del Niagara

The thundering waters of Niagara Falls tumble and plummet from heights of up to 51 meters (167 feet) and an average collective width of approximately 1204 meters (3950 feet) on the United States and Canada Border. One of the largest in the world, the falls are comprised of The Horseshoe Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the American Falls. Over 60,000 cubic meters (200,000 cubic feet) of water rush over the brink at an astonishing speed every minute. Each of the falls is unique and offer spectacular vistas of one of the world's most visited natural wonders. Come the winter holiday season, the falls are beguilingly decked out with a light show for the annual Winter Festival of Lights.

Niagara Parkway, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, L2E 6T2

Every spring from March to May, the Keukenhof Gardens burst forth in a riot of colors and are carpeted in reds, pinks, crimsons and yellows. Spread out over 32 hectares (72 acres), the garden blooms with over seven million flowers in hundreds of varieties and hues. Every year visitors flock here to see the national flower - the Tulip, which has a special place in the country's history, in all its visual glory. During the Dutch Golden Age, Tulip Mania reached such heights that the flower was sold for astonishing rates and the period is considered by some to be the first economic bubble recorded in history. With its landscaped gardens, exhibitions and annual events, Keukenhof is a popular getaway a short distance from Amsterdam.

Stationsweg 166 A, Lisse, Paesi Bassi, 2161 AM
Forte rosso

Antica residenza dell'imperatore Shah Jahan, il Forte Rosso è uno spettacolo magnifico che simboleggia l'eredità artistica, architettonica e storica dell'Impero Mughal. Costruito nel 1648 lungo le rive del fiume Yamuna, il possente forte fu realizzato con pietra arenaria rossa. Prima del 1857, il forte era una piccola città a sé stante e oggi solo una parte del forte è accessibile al pubblico. La sera, il forte si trasforma in uno spettacolo di luci accentuato da suoni vivaci. L’architettura del forte include influenze mughal, persiane e timuridi ed è circondato da prati verdeggianti. La magnifica Porta di Lahore conduce al forte, il cui parco presenta una serie di siti storicamente significativi, tra cui il Diwan-i-Aam (sala delle udienze), il Diwan-i-Khaas (sala delle udienze private), la torre Shahi Burj, il Moti Masjid e altro ancora.

Off Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi, India, 110006
Museo d'Orsay

Milioni di visitatori ammirano ogni anno la colossale collezione di arte francese del Museo d'Orsay. L'edificio stesso, chiamato Gare d'Orsay, fu costruito come stazione ferroviaria nel 1900 ed è una suggestiva struttura in stile Beaux-Arts. Con una lunghezza di 138 metri e un'altezza di 32 metri, la galleria principale del piano terra ostenta opulenza e ricorda la storia dell'edificio. Tra i capolavori di questo museo figurano il Funerale a Ornans di Gustave Courbet e Le Spigolatrici di Jean-François Millet. Agli appassionati di impressionismo è consigliato salire direttamente al quinto piano, dove si trovano le opere dei più grandi maestri di questo genere.

1 Rue de la Légion d'Honneur, Parigi, Francia, 75007
Teatro-Museo di Dalí

The beauty of the 19th-century Dalí Theatre-Museum lies partly in the fact that it was designed by Dali himself. Built on the ruins of the Spanish Civil War, this museum is an architectural jewel in the riverside town of Figueres, which also happens to be Dali's birthplace. The building is the very embodiment of Dali's bountiful imagination, and the red fortress like structure topped by giant egg sculptures and figurines, crowned by a geodesic dome, is surreal to say the least. Dali's showmanship shines through in the one-of-a-kind artworks showcased here like the Wind Palace Room, Mae West Room and the Palace of the Wind. The Dalí Joies jewelry collection, pieces designed by the Surrealist master himself, and created by master craftsmen, is truly exceptional and an homage to his talent. Dali himself is interred in the museum premises, an apt resting place for the iconic artist.

Plaza Gala-Salvador Dalí 5, Figueres, Spagna, 17600
Old Quebec

Bordered by the St. Lawrence River, Old Québec or Vieux-Québec is the historic heart of the modern day City of Quebec. Divided into two distinct parts, the Upper Town and Lower Town, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a gateway into the history of the province. The Upper Town is set atop the Cap Diamant and is the city's historic administrative and military hub. Its most iconic landmark, the Citadelle with its star shaped design is an arresting edifice while the Chateau Frontenac is a mesmerizing vision of Victorian grandeur. The Upper Town is also one of the sites of the Carnaval de Quebec, considered to be among the largest winter festivals on the globe. The Lower Town, at the base of the mount, is the livelier of the two with a bustling market and vibrant Old Port. Amid hundreds of historic buildings, tourist attractions, pubs and restaurants lie dozens of boutiques, galleries, souvenir shops and other distinctive establishments. The Church of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires is another of Old Québec's many treasures.

Old Quebec, Quebec City, QC, Canada, G1R 4P5
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

The Baseball Hall of Fame Museum holds some of the game's most prized collections. See thousands of baseball artifacts and photographs telling the story of baseball's history. There is also a research library where enthusiasts can read about the history and future of America's enduring love for the sport. Visit the museum store and take your pick from the various caps, shirts, gloves and mugs on display.

25 Main Street, Cooperstown, NY, Stati Uniti, 13326
Grand Canyon

Closely interwoven bands of layered rock skirt a sea of gigantic ancient boulders, coming together to form a surreal panorama that melts into Arizona's vast landscape. From high above the topmost point of the canyon, the mighty Colorado River appears as a muddy sliver, belying the tumultuous nature of its waters that carved through ancient layers of rock and birthed the steep canyons surrounding it. Over several millennia, the river snaked its way through the rugged landscape, constantly deepening and pushing the edges of the canyon, oblivious that its aggressive course unraveled years of geological history. For years, the canyon was home to indigenous Native American tribes, before Spanish explorers and American trappers settled into the river basin. Today, the Grand Canyon continues to instill a deep sense of wonder and mystique in whoever visits it, an eternal ocean of auburn rock that spreads majestically under deep blue skies.

20 South Entrance Road, Grand Canyon, AZ, Stati Uniti, 86023
Casa Batlló

Uno dei capolavori di Gaudì, la Casa Batlló è uno degli edifici residenziali più singolari del Modernismo catalano. La sua facciata, decorata con un arcobaleno di piastrelle colorate, lascia il posto all'ingresso che evoca un ambiente sottomarino con pareti a forma di onda, lucernari a forma di tartaruga e una scala che ricorda la spina dorsale di una creatura mitica. Il piano superiore Noble Floor è caratterizzato da finestre che si aprono su Passeig de Gràcia e sono illuminate da luce naturale, mentre il patio esterno è un caleidoscopio di tonalità di vetro e piastrelle. Dalla terrazza, è facile capire perché la casa è chiamata Casa del Drac dalla gente del posto, dato che le tegole del tetto ricordano il drago di Sant Jordi. Meravigliosa espressione di creatività e acume architettonico, la Casa Batlló è una testimonianza del genio psichedelico di Gaudí.

Passeig de Gràcia 43, Barcellona, Spagna, 08007
Il Louvre

Il Museo del Louvre ospita una delle più grandi collezioni di opere d'arte e antichità al mondo. Il museo si trova all'interno del Palazzo del Louvre, costruito nel XII secolo come fortezza da Filippo II. Dopo che Luigi XIV decise di trasferire la sua corte a Versailles, il palazzo fu occupato da una serie di istituzioni legate alle arti. Il museo fu aperto per la prima volta sotto l'Assemblea Nazionale nel 1793. La struttura è suddivisa in sezioni, tra cui disegno, pittura e scultura, e ospita reperti archeologici provenienti dall'Egitto, da Roma, dalla Grecia e da numerose altre culture. I visitatori del museo possono esplorare le sue numerose ali e vedere alcune delle opere più famose come La Gioconda, la Venere di Milo e la Libertà che guida il popolo.

Rue de Rivoli, Parigi, Francia, 75001
Parco nazionale di Carlsbad Caverns

The dry, barren landscape of the Chihuahuan desert disappears into a subterranean cavern that is home to some of the most magnificent geological formations. Carved by now-evaporated waters of an inland sea several millennia ago, the Guadalupe Mountain holds as many as 119 clandestine caves. Craggy formations, each fascinating in its distinct form, stay suspended from the cave's roofs, the karst-like remnants of limestone that was dissolved by sulfuric acid over great many years. A geological repository of sorts, the Carlsbad Caverns Park is home to a plethora of patterns, from The Big Room, a 4000 feet (1,220 meter) long chamber, to the Bat Cave, a guano-laced corridor that houses a majority of the caverns' bat population. The Lechuguilla Cave is perhaps the most fascinating, fabled for intricately contoured stalactites that cling to the roof, in what is deemed to be the second-deepest limestone cave in the United States.

727 Carlsbad Caverns Highway, Carlsbad, NM, Stati Uniti, 88220

Perched on the shores of the largest natural harbour in the world, Sydney is the brash, bold and stunning state capital of New South Wales. Although the area has been populated by native tribes since the Paleolithic era, it was not until 1788 that British explorers first sailed into Port Jackson and founded a penal colony on the site where the Sydney skyline now soars. Positively bubbling with exuberance yet quintessentially laid-back, Sydney boasts a thriving arts and culinary scene, beautiful beaches and marvelous displays of contemporary architecture besides the iconic Opera House. Notorious as one of the world's most expensive, Sydney is also one of the most livable cities, ripe with hip enclaves and ever-evolving culture. There's a constant flurry of new restaurants, bars and nightclubs to try alongside time-tested staples. On the flip side, the urban cityscape is heartily fringed with greenery, riddled with parks and nature reserves teeming with native wildlife. Cockatoos, flying foxes and possums are often spotted mingling with the denizens of the urban jungle, while the koalas of Taronga Park Zoo are always ready for a cuddle. From walking the Harbour Bridge and the stunning views from Sydney Tower to the surfers' paradise that is Bondi Beach and the verdant fonds of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney is a vibrant wonderland of delights.

Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2000
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