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Charming Quaint Towns in Kansas

由: Cityseeker

Kansas is home to many beautiful small towns, each with its own unique charm. From historic downtowns to picturesque landscapes, these towns offer a variety of activities and attractions. From outdoor recreation to shopping and dining, there is something for everyone to enjoy in these small towns. Whether you're looking for a quiet getaway or an exciting adventure, Kansas has it all.


很少有人能够真正相信,阿比林市是1857年由蒂莫西·赫尔希(Timothy Hershey)所拥有的一个卑微的舞台教练店。多年以后,一个名叫约瑟夫·科伊(Joseph Mc Coy)的特立独行的定居者带着他的一群牲畜来到这里,带来了牛的绰号镇到阿比林。一些绝对必须参观的是建于1881年的大平原剧院(Great Plains Theatre)和灰狗名人堂(Greyhound Hall of Fame),这引起了那些对灰猎犬比赛感兴趣的人。老阿比林镇是格鲁吉亚,托斯卡纳和维多利亚风格的豪宅的原始历史街区的成功模拟。

Abilene, Abilene, KS, 美国, 67410

Lindsborg于1869年成立,当时以Olof Olsson牧师为首的瑞典定居者派对抵达。被称为小瑞典,至今仍有30%以上的人口是瑞典人。老城地区充满纪念品商店,传统咖啡馆,绿叶大街和鹅卵石铺成的街道,所有这些都唤起了昔日的记忆。 Svensk Hyllningsfest每年十月在奇数年举行两年,以纪念该镇的瑞典根源。每个人都从这里挑选的纪念品是来自瑞典达拉纳省(Dalarna)的木制玩具达拉马(Dala Horse)。

Lindsborg, Lindsborg, KS, 美国, 67456
Cottonwood Falls

Cottonwood Falls is a city and the county seat of Chase County in Kansas. Located along the picturesque Flint Hills National Scenic Byway, this charming city is steeped in history and the beauty of nature. With its foundation dating back to 1859, Cottonwood Falls is home to a number of historic buildings that now form part of its rich heritage. The Chase County Courthouse, which was built in 1873, is one such significant landmark in the town. For outdoor enthusiasts, the city offers plenty of opportunities for fishing, hiking, disc-golfing, and more. Other attractions include the Chase County Historical Society & Museum, Swope Park and the Roniger Memorial Museum.

Cottonwood Falls, Cottonwood Falls, KS, 美国, 66845
Council Grove

Council Grove is a city and the county seat of Morris County in Kansas. Steeped in history, Council Grove is home to a number of historic buildings and sites, many of which find a mention on the National Register of Historic Places. The Kaw Mission State Historic Site in the town explores American history, making for a treat for history buffs. For outdoor enthusiasts, the city is home to attractions like the Council Grove Lake, the Richey Cove Park, and the Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park.

Council Grove, Council Grove, KS, 美国, 66846

Wamego是一个充满乐趣的社区,与艺术,文化,饮食和庆祝活动同义。主要是土地空间,这个位于肥沃的山谷,种植玉米,甜玉米,小麦和健康的苜蓿作物。最好的时间是10月份的OZtoberFEST年会。 OZ和慕尼黑啤酒节之间的交叉。不要忘了参观这个由传奇故事组成的众多景点组成的Oz群集。 Wamego是乘气球,啤酒花园和长途骑自行车穿越山谷的好地方。

Wamego, Wamego, KS, 美国, 66547
Fort Scott

Fort Scott is a city and the county seat of Bourbon County in Kansas. Founded in the 1850s, Fort Scott is home to the Fort Scott National Historic Site, which attracts history buffs to its fascinating abode. Downtown Fort Scott is a beautiful mélange of historic buildings, architectural gems, quirky antique shops, cozy eateries, and much more. The sprawling Gunn Park is another popular tourist attraction in town, ideal for a variety of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, boating, and picnicking.

Fort Scott, Fort Scott, KS, 美国

以前任参议员大卫·赖特·艾奇逊(David Rice Atchison)命名,成立于1854年,艾奇逊(Atchison)坐落在密苏里河(Gold River)的水域。这座城市是美国最受欢迎的飞行器阿米莉亚·埃尔哈特(Amelia Earhart)诞生地的代名词。最好的参观时间是七月,每年举行一次令人眼花缭乱的焰火表演,并在河边举行展览以纪念埃尔哈特。 Atchison也因为“堪萨斯闹鬼”(The Haunted Kansas)一书中的提及而成为该国闹鬼最多的地方之一。幽灵之旅是一个很大的旅客。

Atchison, Atchison, KS, 美国

Lucas is a small city located in the Russell County of Kansas. Established in 1877 and originally named Blue Stem, the town was renamed as Lucas in 1887. Today, the quaint little city is known as the "Grassroot Art Capital of Kansas", thanks to its local art and culture scene. The defining landmark of Lucas is the Garden of Eden, a permanent sculpture created by local sculptor Samuel P. Dinsmoor. The Bowl Plaza is another peculiar attraction in the town, making for an interesting visit. A small farming community of just about 400 people, Lucas makes for a fascinating getaway in Kansas.

Lucas, Lucas, KS, 美国

Dodge City, on first sight, will give you an impression of a classic western movie scene. This old cowboy city was founded in 1872, when rancher Henry J. Sitler first built a sod house in the region. After the city’s incorporation, railroads were laid and mini commercial establishments attracted in settlers who majorly traded on cattle, which is the primary occupation to this day. The city is home to rustic cowboy-themed bars, restaurants and casinos, and a visitors’ center and museum which has documented the history of the city. Other attractions include the Boot Hill Museum, Wright Park Zoo, and the Home of Stone.

Dodge City, Dodge City, KS, 美国

Lecompton is a city in Kansas' Douglas County. Founded in 1854 on a bluff along the southern bank of the beautiful Kansas River, Lecompton was originally named "Bald Eagle". Known to be the political birthplace of the American Civil War, Lecompton is steeped in intriguing history that can be relived and witnessed at the Territorial Capital Museum through fascinating exhibits. Another important landmark in the town is the Constitution Hall, an old wood-frame building from 1856. Dotted with little gift shops and cozy eateries, the town makes for an ideal historic weekend getaway in the state.

Lecompton, Lecompton, KS, 美国, 66050

The seat of Marshall County, Marysville is a blend of fascinating experiences. Embark on a unique adventure in Kansas with a visit to this city, whose streets are lined with an eclectic variety of restaurants, bed and breakfasts, and historic places. Try delicious local cuisine of steaks, burgers and sandwiches, shop till you drop for local goodies like pots and jewelry, or take a stroll at Black Squirrel Bark Park or Dargatz Park. Go on a splendid heritage walk and visit attractions like the Pony Express Home Station and Museum or soak in the local atmosphere at the Farmers Market.

Marysville, Marysville, KS, 美国

Experience the charm of a small town in a city with a visit to Hays. Begin your trip in the Downtown to explore cobbled streets flanked by rustic buildings that exude a vintage charm. Apart from the many shopping, lodging and dining options, the city is also home to sprawling green parks, such as Frontier Park and Hays Aquatic Park. For history buffs, Hays presents the Fort Hays State Historic Site, Ellis County Historical Museum, and the Boot Hill Cemetery. Carrying the legacy of German American culture, Hays is known for its lively annual Oktoberfests.

Hays, Hays, KS, 美国
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