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Michelin-starred Restaurants Around The World for Connoisseurs of the Indian Cuisine

由: Cityseeker

Embark on a culinary adventure with Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide that are sure to entice connoisseurs of Indian cuisine. In New York, savor the delicate spices of South Indian fine dining, where each bite is an explosion of flavors. London's rich and impressive culinary scene offers several superior gems, each of which elevates traditional Indian dishes to remarkable artistry and showcases this first-class cuisine in a fresh light. In Singapore, indulge in top-notch Indian delicacies with a modern flair. From Dubai to Bangkok to Hong Kong, these world-class establishments redefine Indian cuisine that pleases even the most discerning palates. With a sublime marriage of precision, innovation, and exquisite flavors forming the foundation of Michelin-starred dining, indulge in an unparalleled gastronomic journey.


Restaurant Gaa餐厅是着名厨师Garima Arora的创意,于2017年开业,并迅速跻身亚洲顶级餐厅之列。一项并非普通的壮举。这间精致的餐厅位于玻璃幕墙内,拥有鲜艳的粉红色和黄色色调,分布在多个楼层,包括三个用餐区。不拘一格的10道菜至14道菜品尝菜单展示了厨师老板的精彩烹饪风格。融合了各种烹饪风格,以新鲜的当地食材重新诠释,艺术和愉悦。他们的时令菜肴非常朴实而精致,同时也很有趣。如果您正在寻找一流的美食体验,那么这家名副其实的餐厅绝对值得一游。

46/1 Sukhumvit 53, Wattana, 曼谷, 泰国, 10110
New Punjab Club

Set in World Commercial Building in Hong Kong, New Punjab Club is owned and managed by Syed Asim Hussain. This one-Michelin starred restaurant is known to serve a variety of dishes from the traditional Punjabi cuisine. Their diverse menu is put together by Chef Palash Mitra. Some of the dishes served here are grilled meat, curries, rotis, chaat items, pulao, raita and a lot more. They even offer a fantastic selection of alcoholic drinks like spirits here. This cozy restaurant is a must-visit for Indian food lovers in the area.

34 Wyndham Street, World Wide Commercial Building, 香港, 中国香港特别行政区

Dining at Chaat in Hong Kong is a flavorful journey into Indian street food. Located in the city center, it brings the bustling street food culture of India to life. The menu offers a variety of classic dishes like chaat, samosas and biryani, all rich in spices and fresh ingredients. The restaurant's relaxed ambiance, reminiscent of Indian markets, makes it welcoming. Whether you're enjoying curries or sipping masala chai, Chaat's food transports you to the streets of India. It's a must-visit if you are looking to explore spicy and savory Indian flavors in Hong Kong.

18 Salisbury Road, K11 MUSEA, Victoria Dockside, 5/F Rosewood, Tsim Sha Tsui, 香港, 中国香港特别行政区

Dining at Opheem in Birmingham is a special experience that adds a modern twist to Indian cuisine. The menu boasts delicious dishes made with fresh ingredients and creative flavors to suit your palate. Opheem's dishes are nothing short of culinary masterpieces, tantalizing the palate with each bite. Whether you're indulging in starters or savoring the sumptuous desserts, Opheem promises a gastronomic journey that is both delightful and unforgettable. The elegant and inviting atmosphere makes it perfect for celebrating special occasions while the attentive staff makes you feel welcome and taken care of.

48 Summer Row, 伯明翰, 英国, B3 1JJ
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