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The Life and Times of Edgar Allen Poe: Sites to Explore for Ardent Poe Aficionados

由: Cityseeker

Delve into the mysterious and haunting world of the master of macabre through a series of meticulously curated sites that provide a glimpse into the various facets of Edgar Allen Poe. A specially curated collection unveiling Poe's enigmatic world, this features gems like Poe's Range Room and the historic Edgar Allan Poe Cottage. Wander through the Providence Athenaeum, where Poe sought literary inspiration, and raise a glass at his supposed last stop, The Horse You Came In On Saloon. Dig into the somber yet compelling sites of Poe's death and burial, including Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site and Poe's Tavern. Unearth the poetic treasures at the Poe Museum, stroll through Edgar Allan Poe Square, and explore the mystique surrounding Fort Independence. Thus, this collection invites devoted admirers on a fascinating journey into the brilliance of one of literature's greatest minds.

Poe's Range Room

Located at the University of Virginia, visiting the Range Room is a dream for every Edgar Alan Poe fan. The Range Room was Poe’s dorm room during his student days at the university. Although he was only a student at the university for one year in 1826, many suggest his seeds of creativity were planted there. In 1904, the Raven Society was founded in honor of Poe to sponsor scholarships and fellowships that recognize academic excellence. The Raven Society restored Poe’s dorm room in 1924 in Poe-era condition. The room includes a settee, from one of Poe’s current homes, a writing desk with a black feather quill, and a stuffed raven on the window sill. The society uses the Range Room for annual midnight initiation ceremonies. Poe's work is read, and new members sign their names in a book of names with a quill pen. Since it is an exclusive society, visitors are not directly allowed into the room. There's a glass door that allows you to see the room as it is, accompanied by an audio display of Poe’s life.

13 West Range, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 美国, 22904

纽约市外围的自治市镇充满了惊喜,这肯定是其中之一。埃德加爱伦坡小屋是布朗克斯县历史协会的邻里徒步旅行的一部分。小屋是坡和他的妻子弗吉尼亚州的最后的家。在这个布置稀疏的家庭中,Poe写下了他的一些更为着名的诗歌,如“Annabel Lee”和“Ulalume A Ballad”。提供了一个音频和短视觉旅游描述坡的生活和他的作品。在小屋的南边,在Poe公园,游客可以在每周农贸市场上享用健康食品。这里发现的所有产品和产品均来自当地着名的农场。

2640 Grand Concourse, East Kingsbridge Road, The Bronx, 纽约, NY, 美国, 10458

普罗维登斯雅典娜神庙是美国历史最悠久的成员支持的图书馆之一,自1753年以来一直运作(尽管目前的结构建于1838年)。根据19世纪的传说,诗人埃德加·艾伦·坡(Edgar Allen Poe)在这座花岗岩希腊复兴建筑的堆叠中迎接了萨拉·惠特曼(Sarah Whitman)。其中一些藏品包括原始普罗维登斯图书馆的文献和书籍,以及来自美国作家如路易莎·梅尔·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)和赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的珍贵版本以及罗伯特·伯恩斯(Robert Burns)今天,雅典娜神庙举办全年的活动,重点关注成人和儿童的教育。

251 Benefit Street, 普罗维登斯, RI, 美国, 02903

您来到沙龙的马是一个古朴而古怪的酒吧,每周的每一天都有现场音乐。酒吧成立于1775年,是巴尔的摩最古老的酒吧,甚至被认为是作者埃德加·艾伦·坡经常光顾的地方。就像刚开始时那样生动活泼,“The Horse”提供了一些美味的杰克·丹尼尔(Jack Daniels)输液,多汁的汉堡和热点小吃。如果你正在寻找一种放松的饮料,那么这可能不是你最好的地方,但如果它的乐趣,音乐和你渴望的活泼气氛,那么一周中的任何一天都会停下“The Horse”。

1626 Thames Street, 巴尔的摩, MD, 美国, 21231
Site of Edgar Allan Poe's Death

The site of Edgar Allan Poe's death is a hauntingly enchanting destination that draws visitors from near and far. A historical gem and one of the many popular attractions in Baltimore, it is located at 203 North Amity Street in a brown brick building. Captivating literary enthusiasts and curious souls, the site houses carefully curated exhibits showcasing Poe's personal belongings, manuscripts, and artifacts. Thus, exuding an eerie charm with an undeniable allure for visitors, it beckons with a blend of history, mystery, and literary magic.

The former Church Hospital Corner of Broadway and Fairmont, 巴尔的摩, MD, 美国, 21231
Edgar Allan Poe's Grave

Edgar Allan Poe's elegant gravesite and the verdant cemetery in which it is located are in the heart of Baltimore. The walk up to this place is awe-inspiring and worth the effort even on a hot day. The church is beautiful. Walking through the cemetery makes history palpable. If you like pretty but peculiar cemeteries and churches, this is the place to be. The beauty and historicity of the place blows you away. Steeped in history, this gravesite is a must-see for all Poe-lovers. It is a wonderful way to spend about an hour. Walk around and read the plaques explaining the historic nature of the place. You could attend a church organ performance. Tour the grounds and the catacombs under the church to encounter the past up-close.

519 West Fayette Street, Westminster Hall and Burial Ground, 巴尔的摩, MD, 美国, 21201


532 N. 7th Street, 费城, PA, 美国, 19123

埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)的着名诗“乌鸦”(The Raven)的原稿,以及这位不寻常作家生平的其他纪念品将在这个博物馆展出。 Poe在里士满长大,一生中经常光临这座城市。作者神秘的死亡和他写的故事一样有趣。在里士满,他是在巴尔的摩被发现,殴打和神经过敏之前最后一次被发现的。之后不久他就去世了。位于里士满最古老的石头建筑的坡博物馆。入场费USD6成人; 5美元的老年人和学生。

1914 E Main Street, 里奇蒙, VA, 美国, 23223
Edgar Allan Poe Square

In 2009, on Poe’s 200th birth anniversary, Boston renamed a small plaza the “Common Edgar Allan Poe Square.” The whole area was razed to the ground for urban renewal decades ago. The plaza is close to where Poe’s house once stood. The area is replete with several buildings dedicated to Poe and the associated plaques, artifacts and medallions that adorn them. At the Edgar Allan Poe Square, located at the intersection of Boylston and Charles Streets, see the statue of author Edgar Allan Poe and his “The Tell-Tale Heart” and symbols from his other well-known poems from up-close at Boston Common. It is a dainty little area with the statue of the legendary author drawing in crowds for a quick photo.

Boylston St & Charles St, 波士顿, MA, 美国, 02116
Fort Independence

Sitting along the historic shores of Castle Island, Fort Independence in Boston beckons visitors into a living tapestry of American history. A 19th-century construction, this granite fortress showcases the nation's resilience. Aptly named, the fortress' formidable bastions and iconic stone walls whisper tales of Revolutionary War heroes. Finding a spot on the National Register of Historic Places list, this is a site worth visiting to take a step back in time. Thus, come here for panoramic views of Boston Harbor and the city skyline while having an immersive encounter with the past.

2010 William J Day boulevard, Castle Island, 波士顿, MA, 美国, 02127

这个得名于1827年在沙利文岛留下自己印记的诗人命名,这个高度评价的休闲餐厅距离海滩两个街区,提供Lowcountry菜单,包括各种开胃菜,汤,沙拉,汉堡,鱼炸玉米饼和三明治。坐落在一座20世纪40年代的房子里,墙上覆盖着Poe的海报和照片。菜单上的项目是以他的令人难忘的文学题材和人物,如乌鸦,坑和钟摆,黄金虫或饥饿艺术家命名的。户外用餐场所位于前廊下方,或位于前花园内的带遮阳伞的桌子。他们有很多选择的生啤酒。有一个小礼品店,用餐者可以购买杯子和T恤。停车场位于街道上,或在餐厅旁边。 -Natasha Lawrence

2210 Middle St., Sullivan's Island, SC, 美国, 29482
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