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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Ciudad del Cabo

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Museo del Distrito 6

Originalmente se fundó en 1994 como un espacio de reunión de los ex residentes, el museo del Distrito 6 es una forma de guardar en la memoria la historia de la movilización forzosa y la marginalización que enfrentaron los residentes del distrito. Como parte del apartheid de Sudáfrica, más de 60.000 residentes de color fueron echados del distrito y reubicados en una zona árida conocida como Cape Flats, sus hogares se destruyeron para dar lugar a los colonos blancos. Actualmente el museo ofrece al público, exhibiciones didácticas cerca de la trágica historia de uno de los municipios más desprotegidos de Ciudad del Cabo. Las visitas guiadas por ex residentes del Distrito 6 están disponibles llamando con anticipación, pero los turistas pueden recorrer el distrito por su cuenta. Hay una librería y una cafetería en el sitio.

Artscape Theatre Centre

The city's showpiece theater (formerly known as the Nico Malan Theatre), Artscape was officially opened in May 1971, and became the home of the Cape Performing Arts Board (CAPAB). It has staged numerous opera, ballet, drama and music productions since, but has also been the scene for fashion shows, charity balls, art exhibitions and trade fairs. It offers a busy performance schedule with entertainment provided most Tuesday's to Saturday's.

The Labia

The oldest art-house theater in South Africa, the Labia was originally an opulent ballroom for the Italian Embassy. In 1949, Princess Labia converted the ballroom into a theater for live performances. The facility has been operating as a cinema for more than 20 years. There are four screens for you to pick from. Independent cinema buffs come to view shows here, and to bask in the old-world ambiance. A snack bar featuring coffee, desserts, and alcoholic beverages is a popular gathering spot. Check out the theater's excellent Web site for current listings.

The Ava Gallery

Church Street is where you can find the AVA art gallery. It is most likely the one of the oldest not-for-profit galleries of the city and is dedicated to developing the contemporary visual art scene of South Africa. AVA regularly hosts month long exhibitions that showcase performances, paintings, installations, ceramics, and photographs. The gallery has roots that go back all the way to the year 1850 and their presence has definitely shaped the art of the city.

Baxter Theatre Centre

The Baxter was established in 1960 when the University of Cape Town inherited money to establish a theater to develop arts in Cape Town and adjacent districts. The main theater has staged local and international productions, musicals and dance. The Concert Hall, is perfect for both serious productions and experimental theater. A small studio can accommodate smaller events. The Sennheiser system provides for those with impaired hearing, and Medidrama gives free medical service to all patrons. Businessmen can host conferences and meetings at this venue.

Iziko South African Museum

The South African Museum is situated at the top of Queen Victoria Street within the peaceful Company's Gardens. The museum exhibits the largest collection of meteorites in the country, and incredible life-like reproductions of animals, of which fossilized remains were discovered in the Karoo semi-desert. There is also a whale skeleton, some members of the aquatic world, and other specimen of flora. Adjoining the museum is the Planetarium, whose projectors replicate the heavens and illuminate the constellations over a 26,000 year time span. Shows and talks are given regularly.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 101 0 0 0,6 6