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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Ciudad del Cabo

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Rupert Museum

One of the top art museums and galleries, Rupert Museum is the vision of Huberte Rupert. Established in 2005, it showcases the private collection of Anton and Huberte Rupert. Set amid vineyards and mighty oak trees along the Eersterivier, this beautiful repository features a garden and café on-site. The museum and gallery space has more than 350 pieces by contemporary South African artists from 1940 through 1970. It also hosts temporary exhibits regularly. From paintings to tapestries and sculptures, the art here is an ode to the local landscape and culture. Brimming with activities monthly, the museum also hosts artist talks, museum walkabouts and wine tastings.

Cape Town Holocaust Centre

In the year 1999, The Cape Town Holocaust Centre was established. It is the site for remembering and learning from the old times. It honors the over six million Jews that were victims of the Holocaust and Nazi terror. It spreads knowledge on consequences of racism, discrimination and prejudices while promoting the importance of valuing human rights.

Catedral San Jorge

Hogar del laureado Arzobispo Desmond Tutu, la catedral anglicana de San Jorge, es conocida por sus magníficos vitrales que pintan la vida de varios apóstoles, mártires, profetas y santos de la Santa Iglesia de todas partes del mundo. Las bases para la nueva catedral diseñada por Sir Herbert Baker, fueron sentadas en 1901, aunque no fue sino hasta 1908 que finalmente se inició su desarrollo. El mismo Jorge V, futuro Rey de Inglaterra puso la piedra fundamental. Para mayor información acerca de los servicios religiosos, visite la página web de la catedral.

El Parlamento

Hogar de los dos cuerpos de la Legislatura de Sudáfrica, la Asamblea Nacional de Sudáfrica y el Consejo Nacional de las Provincias, el Parlamento cuenta con dos majestuosos edificios, cada uno con un diseño netamente occidental. Aquí los turistas pueden apreciar el trabajo del gobierno electo de Sudáfrica ya sea tomando una visita guiada de los edificios durante cualquier época del año, o asistiendo a una sesión en vivo del parlamento durante los meses de enero hasta junio inclusive. Estos edificios, terminados en 1885, jugaron un papel importante en la tumultuosa historia del país y son un verdadero monumento tanto a su actual ideal democrático como a su trágico pasado.


The Stevenson art gallery, located in a building that goes by the name Buchanan in the suburb of Woodstock, features works of talented contemporary artists. Through its FOREX program, it has been able to exhibit works of internationally renowned artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Walid Raad, Glenn Ligon and Rineke Dijkstra. This gallery is the genuine article, the real deal and the real McCoy in all of Cape Town. The expansive space, the depth and the information provided by the staff make it both moving and informative. Even if it’s your first visit to the gallery, you will feel at home, in your element and never out of depths. Quickly, you are in the company of fellow art lovers in what is a very pleasant experience in conviviality. Regardless of whether it’s a seasoned art lover, a dilettante or just someone looking for a pleasant afternoon, Stevenson has something for everyone’s palate. Or should we say “palette?” Admission is free.

Clifton Beaches

Clifton has a series of four beautiful beaches, separated by rocky outcrops. Although linked, each beach has its own character and atmosphere. Fourth Beach is largely considered to be the most fashionable beach in Cape Town and is often packed with beautiful bronzed bodies. The others are far more casual and usually less crowded. Each is sheltered from the south-easterly wind, unlike the nearby Camps Bay Beach, which makes them a popular hangout for lazy sun-worshippers. Swimming tends to be limited to quick cooling dips since the icy temperature of the Atlantic is enough to take your breath away.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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