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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Newcastle upon Tyne

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Victoria Tunnel

Explore the underbelly of Newcastle upon Tyne in Victoria Tunnel which was built between 1839 and 1842. Surrounded by curved brick walls on the two sides, coal was transported through this place till its abandonment in the late 19th-century. However, it was used again during World War II when the tunnel was transformed into an air-raid shelter. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction and touring this place is an unmissable activity during a visit to Newcastle upon Tyne.

Durham Castle

The Durham Castle is symbolic of the City of the Castle, Durham. It was built in the 11th Century by the Norman king and for a long period of time, was the residence of the Bishops of Durham. It is home to one of the largest Great Halls which was added to the architecture by Bishop Antony Bek in the 14th Century, along with the Norman chapel. Since the year 1840, this castle has been occupied by the University College. Take a guided tour of the estate, a recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site, and explore the Cathedral as well.

Durham University Botanic Garden

Spread across an area of 10 hectares (25 acres), Durham University Botanic Garden features several attractions including Bamboo Grove, Winter Garden and Alpine Garden. Recent attractions include wildflower grassland and Woodland Garden. A visit to this botanical garden lets you view the stunning Modern Art or simply marvel at the bees as they keep buzzing in their beehives. Durham University Botanic Garden is also home to enchanting glasshouses. Take a stroll at its impressive desert house even as you explore the cacti collection. The tropical rainforest area allows you to understand the region's topography. Primitive occupants of this garden include tarantulas, scorpions and bugs. You can also find a unique species of Manx Loghtan sheep lazing around during spring.

Crook Hall & Gardens

The Crook Hall and Garden is a fascinating place for lovers of architecture and history, as it has three distinct influences: The Medieval Hall (1208), the Jacobean Mansion (1671) and the Georgian House (1720). Many families have lived here over the centuries, and each one of them has left their own indelible mark. The gardens are a sight to behold as each of them has been preserved and maintained. Popular ones include the Secret Walled Garden, the Shakespeare Garden and the Woodland & Solar Wing Garden.

Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths & Museum

Segedunum was built by the orders of Emperor Hadrian, with the motive of protecting the Roman Empire from the Barbarians. Hence, the ancient Segendunum complex runs along the storied Hadrian's Wall, birthing and sustaining stirring lores of military might on its way. This sprawling historic ensemble charts the history of a fort abandoned by the Romans over a millennium and a half ago. Comprising a reconstruction of a Roman bath house, an interactive museum (with audio and visual stimulation aplenty) and enigmatic excavated fortified remains nestled on the banks of the River Tyne, the site is a moving escape into the historic as well as cultural magnificence of the Romans. Functioning as an iconic embellishment on the Hadrian's Wall, the renovated complex is home to an exhibition that thoughtfully traces the history and legacy of the Roman Empire. Its spectacular, soaring viewing tower affords sweeping views of the site as well as the historic landscape of Tyneside.

Torreón del Castillo

El torreón del castillo del cual deriva el nombre de la ciudad fue fundada en 1080 por Robert Curthose, hijo de Guillermo el Conquistador, en el sitio de una fortaleza romana. Originalmente era un recinto fortificado de arcilla y madera, pero fue reconstruido en piedra a los finales del siglo XII y principios del siglo XIII. En aquel momento también contaba con una torre, una puerta de entrada y una pared cerrada. Los visitantes podrán ver las dos suites reales dentro de la torre del homenaje, una sala pública, una sala privada, una sala de guarnición, y una capilla normanda. El techo del castillo ofrece una vista espectacular y privilegiada de Newcastle, en particular del cercano río Tyne y sus puentes.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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