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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Newcastle upon Tyne

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Victoria Tunnel

Explore the underbelly of Newcastle upon Tyne in Victoria Tunnel which was built between 1839 and 1842. Surrounded by curved brick walls on the two sides, coal was transported through this place till its abandonment in the late 19th-century. However, it was used again during World War II when the tunnel was transformed into an air-raid shelter. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction and touring this place is an unmissable activity during a visit to Newcastle upon Tyne.

Theatre Royal

One of the best provincial theaters in the UK, the Theatre Royal is situated on Grey Street, the most architecturally striking street in the city. Designed by Richard Grainger in 1837, the current building was refurbished in the late eighties. Its importance can be seen in the yearly residency of the Royal Shakespeare Company and in the breadth of star-name touring productions (drama, musicals, ballet, contemporary dance and opera) that it attracts. The theater runs a program of extra events: talks, master class recitals, workshops, lunches, and pre-performance suppers. Guided tours of the building are also available.

Newcastle Castle

The Castle in Newcastle on Tyne in England is a fortress built dating back to 1177. Solely built for defense purposes, it represents the violent times of North England’s history. A favorite tourist spot, Newcastle Castle is also rich with haunting stories, which gives this medieval monument an eerie factor.

The Angel of the North

El Ángel del Norte de Antony Gormley ya está comenzando a competir con el puente de Tyne como representación icónica del noreste de Inglaterra. Hecho de acero curado, el mismo material que durante siglos se utilizó para la construcción de barcos en el cercano río Tyne, el puente es un homenaje a la larga historia industrial de la región y, además, simboliza la capacidad de la gente del lugar de superar el desafío que presenta el futuro posindustrial. Con unos 20 metros de alto y una envergadura de 54 metros, el monumento se encuentra sobre una colina baja junto a la principal ruta terrestre que va a Newcastle desde el sur, y a tan solo un kilómetro y medio del principal ferrocarril de la costa este, en donde es apreciado por más de 30 millones de personas cada año.

The Discovery Museum

The Discovery Museum, housed in a historic Co-operative Wholesale Society Building, immerses visitors in the local history of Newcastle and Tyneside. First opened as the Municipal Museum of Science and Industry in 1934, the museum has three floors of permanent displays and temporary exhibitions that focus on local maritime, scientific and technological history. The Turbinia, a steam turbine-powered ship that was once the fastest in the world, is one of the museum’s iconic pieces on display.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge is a pedestrian and cycle crossing that links Newcastle Quayside with the major redevelopment projects such as the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, and the Gateshead Music Centre on Gateshead Quays. It is the first tilting bridge in the world and is designed to resemble a blinking eyelid when it is raised to permit ships to pass beneath. The bridge forms part of a one-mile circular riverside walk taking in the Swing Bridge to the west. There are specific timings when the tilt of the bridge is visible.

0,6 380 64 1 5,7,6 F-TA26[-]F-MG18[-]F-EV21 Good for Groups F-TA26[-]F-MG18[-]F-EV21|good-for-groups|Perfecto para grupos [["Victoria Tunnel","54.97481293122","-1.5923659705479","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","53-55 Lime Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2NP","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/884367-victoria-tunnel"],["Theatre Royal","54.972760459375","-1.6119299802083","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","100 Grey Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6BR","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/86902-theatre-royal"],["Newcastle Castle","54.968839930791","-1.6103700290349","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1RQ","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/1206263-newcastle-castle"],["The Angel of the North","54.913976436283","-1.5893800039418","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6AA","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/233038-the-angel-of-the-north"],["The Discovery Museum","54.969068742128","-1.624520046561","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4JA","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/81998-the-discovery-museum"],["Gateshead Millennium Bridge","54.969697119532","-1.5991389568836","https:\/\/demo.cityseeker.com\/assets\/images\/google_markers\/dark_blue_circle.png","","","South Shore Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE8 2AU","https:\/\/cityseeker.com\/es\/newcastle-upon-tyne\/93719-gateshead-millennium-bridge"]] adayincity 884367,86902,1206263,233038,81998,93719 6 0 1 Attractions
5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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5,7,6,10 380 0 0 0,6 6