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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Trieste

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Castello di Miramare

Castello di Miramare was the home of Maximilian until he was forced to leave and become the Emperor of Mexico. The next resident, Duke Amedeo of Savoy, made Castello di Miramare the seat for various military commands. In 1955, it was transformed into a museum. The castle still has the original furniture commissioned by Maximilian. There is a chapel; the Japanese and Chinese rooms, rich in oriental ornaments; and the apartments where the Duke of Savoy lived. Miramare is set in an extraordinary park, which extends over 54 acres (21.8 hectares). Guided tours are available upon request.

Castle of San Giusto

One of the symbols of the city, this castle is set on its highest hill. The building, started in 1470 on the site of a Venetian fort, was not finished until 1630. A passage to the courtyard leads to the site museum and a restaurant. On the ground floor, there is the chapel dedicated to San Giorgio. A large staircase lined with with armor leads to the Venetian Room on whose ceiling is a large painting of the Allegory of Venice, by Andrea Celesti (1637-1712). On the second floor is a collection of armor.

Cattedrale di San Giusto

Just a 20-minute walk from Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia, this cathedral is a symbol of Trieste. It was built in 1300, when two, pre-existing basilicas were merged, forming the vast, central nave. There is a beautiful sandstone façade and a bell tower that was built in 1337. There are Byzantine mosaics in the enchanting interiors and a 13th-century chapel enclosed in a rich Baroque railing. The right nave is the chapel dedicated to St Justus, and the Bourbons of Spain are buried in the crypt. Admission: Free.

Duino Castle

Duino Castle is located close to Trieste, Italy. The castle was erected in the 14th Century overlooking the Gulf of Trieste over the remains of an 11th-century castle. It was occupied by Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and his wife Princess Marie in the 19th Century and is known to be the venue where the renowned poet Rainer Maria Rilke penned his best work titled Duino Elegies. The castle is now owned by the descendant of Prince Alexander von Thurn und Taxis and operates as a park and exhibition center.

Saint Spyridon Church

The Orthodox Serb community has been present in Trieste for many years, and has become well-integrated into the city's social structure. The San Spiridione Church was built over an already existing structure, which dated back to 1751. The old building was demolished after the Serb's separation from the Greek Orthodox community in around 1861, and the building work started on the current church (designed by the Milanese architect Carlo Maciacchini) which was finished in 1866. The San Spiridione is built in a Neo-Byzantine style, with mosaics, bell towers, and cupolas which are typical of Eastern churches. The mosaics were designed by the Milanese painter Giuseppe Bertini, and were built in Venetian workshops. The windows are by Pompeo Bertini, while the statues on the façade are by Emilio Bisi. The interior, in the form of a Greek cross, is full of light and gold, and oil paintings by Bertini which imitate the mosaic. There are four icons with precious silver decoration which were made in Moscow, and another two large icons and a painted cross on the altars in the Presbyterian which is off limits to the public. Votive lights and candles give the church a warm and welcoming feel. At the entrance to the church you can see a lamp which was donated by Tzar Paul I Romanov when he visited Trieste in 1782. Trieste's Orthodox Serb community is the largest in Italy, mainly due to its extreme proximity to the ex-Yugoslavian borders.

Ponte Rosso

Built in the mid-18th century, Ponte Rosso was the first bridge to be set over the Grand Canal of Trieste. On the bridge stands the life-sized metal statue of renowned writer James Joyce. It was built by the talented Nino Spagnoli to commemorate the author’s life. Right under this old bridge is the tide gauge Zero Ponte Rosso. Visitors can stand atop this bridge and enjoy the views of the bridge Ponte Curto and the surrounding cityscape.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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