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Primera clasificación Atractivos en Trieste

Radio De Búsqueda (millas)
Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia

This is not simply a piazza, but the very heart of Trieste: its lounge, its soul, its business center, as well as the commercial and political center. Very busy of course during the week , it plays an important role on Sunday mornings when thousands of people descend on this large European piazza that overlooks the sea. Here, they drink coffee, meet friends, colleagues and acquaintances, all in a very unique atmosphere. The piazza also accommodates many concerts, festivals, shows and exhibitions. Shaped in a perfect rectangle and surrounded by amazing palaces: the Municipio with its clock tower; the Stratti, housing General Insurance and also the Caffè degli Specchi and the Palazzo del Lloyd Trestino, which once housed the oldest Italian navigation company. Finally there is also the Prefettura or government palace and the lovely Art Nouveau building that houses the fine Duca d'Aosta hotel. And at the piazza's center stands the 18th'century Quattro Continenti fountain, the former terminal of the Maria Teresa d'Austria aqueduct. It would be a grave sin to visit Trieste and not have a coffee in this lovely piazza.

Riserva Naturale della Val Rosandra

The Riserva Naturale della Val Rosandra is an evocative corner of the Kras Plateau above Trieste. It is just 20 minutes away from the city center going towards Muggia, and is the destination of tourists, spelunkers, and mountain climbers, every weekend. It is located in the San Dorligo della Valle administrative area and is a real natural paradise with a spectacular landscape of cliffs, piles of rocks, and rocky walls overhanging the torrent which crosses through the valley. The wild and rough aspect of some sites in the valley have given rise to numerous local legends about the mysterious princess Rosandra, or even, Charlemagne. The locals say that a walk in this valley frees your mind and reinforces the body. Who knows? What is certain is that it is a place full of charm. There are all sorts of things to discover in the valley. You could spend a whole day walking here, perhaps stopping for a picnic by the river or eating at the Mario Premuda refuge.

Castello di Miramare

Castello di Miramare was the home of Maximilian until he was forced to leave and become the Emperor of Mexico. The next resident, Duke Amedeo of Savoy, made Castello di Miramare the seat for various military commands. In 1955, it was transformed into a museum. The castle still has the original furniture commissioned by Maximilian. There is a chapel; the Japanese and Chinese rooms, rich in oriental ornaments; and the apartments where the Duke of Savoy lived. Miramare is set in an extraordinary park, which extends over 54 acres (21.8 hectares). Guided tours are available upon request.

Castle of San Giusto

One of the symbols of the city, this castle is set on its highest hill. The building, started in 1470 on the site of a Venetian fort, was not finished until 1630. A passage to the courtyard leads to the site museum and a restaurant. On the ground floor, there is the chapel dedicated to San Giorgio. A large staircase lined with with armor leads to the Venetian Room on whose ceiling is a large painting of the Allegory of Venice, by Andrea Celesti (1637-1712). On the second floor is a collection of armor.

Faro della Vittoria

Reopened after years of restoration work, the Victory Lighthouse is certainly worth the 200 or so steps to arrive at the top. There is a magnificent view of the whole of the gulf of Trieste, the city and part of the karstic coast. Built from white stone on a wide base, the lighthouse was constructed during the 1920s on the design of a famous local architect, Arduino Berlam, and is dedicated to all the sailors that were lost during World War I. Above the column, the capital supports the top designed to resemble the mast of a ship in which the light itself is fitted. The light container is covered with a bronze dome and decorated with a scale design. On the tip of the dome stands the embossed copper statue of Victory designed by sculptor Giovanni Mayer and produced by Giovanni Srebot. Mayer was also responsible for the statue of the sailor attached to the anchor of the torpedo boat Audace, the first Italian ship to enter the port of Trieste in 1918, so signaling the return of the city to Italy. This lighthouse is thought to have the greatest range in Europe. Today its function is much reduced but it remains one of the symbols of Venezia Giulia.

Sentiero Rilke

The beautiful Sentiero Rilke has woods on one side and breathtaking views over the Sistiana Bay on the other. It is only a few kilometers long and an easy walk. It starts from the seasonal base of the Azienda di promozione turistica di Sistiana and ends at the entrance to the village of Duino. To get to this path from Trieste, take the number 44 bus, which stops across the road from the head of the path. If you drive, then be aware that there is limited parking space; you might want to park further down the road.

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5,7,6,10 0 0 0 10 0

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